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The congregation that is faithful to Christ and helpful to suffering sojourners prays effectively, loves earnestly, shows hospitality, and stewards the gifts of God by serving one another. As the church is obedient in these things, the Lord glorifies his name in the world. Each...

Some level of suffering is inevitable for the follower of Christ. This passage exhorts Christians to arm themselves with the attitude of Christ for the purpose of suffering. These mindset munitions include living for the will of God, rejoicing in our partnership with Christ, and...

Easter Sunday Service 2023 Grace Community Church exists to build spiritually healthy people for ministry in the world. One of the ways that we pursue this mission is by gathering each Sunday for corporate worship, prayer, and biblical teaching. The corporate nature of this gathering is...

Good Friday Service 2023. Grace Community Church exists to build spiritually healthy people for ministry in the world. One of the ways that we pursue this mission is by gathering each Sunday for corporate worship, prayer, and biblical teaching. The corporate nature of this gathering is...

The high calling of the sojourning Christian is to grow up into salvation. The way of spiritual growth is by the word of God. Like babies longing for and drinking milk, so we desire and feed upon God’s word. As we do, we grow up...

The command to love one another is one of the most basic commands in the Bible. But the reason and resources to love are not often understood. We love one another because we have been born again. We love one another from the power of...

Holiness is a beautiful word. Applied to God, it refers to the perfection of all his attributes combined into a single description of his nature. God is holy. Since all of God’s attributes are perfectly good, his holiness is beautiful. How does holiness apply to...

We are called to consider salvation. In the trials and testings of life, we may be tempted to neglect our salvation for some form of self-generated coping scheme or doubt our salvation because our circumstances are so difficult, or come to believe that our salvation...

In a letter designed to encourage believers toward faithfulness to Christ as they experience the tension of living in this world, Peter begins with praise to God. As he praises God for his great mercy toward us, he is reminding us of the basis of...

As Christians and as a congregation, let us hear and heed the call to be constant in prayer. As we pray, let us trust in the love, wisdom, and power of God; entrust ourselves, our circumstances, and others to him; ask him in Christ’s name,...

John does not leave us wondering what became of his dear friend Peter who denied Jesus three times. In this final chapter of John, Jesus walks Peter through the process of contrition, confession, and restoration. Here we have a final vision of the greatness and...

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