A catechism is a fancy word for a set of questions and answers about Bible doctrines. It is a simple, effective way to teach our children (and adults) the BIG truths of the gospel. Join us in 2025 as we jump into these questions and find out the truth that awaits us!
Week 6: February 9-15
Question 6: How can we glorify God? By loving him and by obeying his commands and law.
Deuteronomy 11:1
“You shall therefore love the Lord your God and keep his charge, his statutes, his rules, and his commandments always.”
For the Parent’s Heart:
- What are some ways that you enjoy God?
- Why do you think enjoying, loving, and trusting come before obeying in this answer?
- Here is an encouraging message from John Piper about how our God’s happiness leads to our enjoyment of Him for His glory and our good.
Ask Your Children:
- Can you tell me about a time when it was easy for you to follow an instruction I gave you? Why was it easy?
- Why do you think God gives us rules, commandments, and laws to obey?
- Are we able to obey God perfectly? Who did?
- How can our family enjoy Jesus more?
- Be sure to check out the playlists below for helpful songs that your family can listen to for help memorizing these questions and answers.
- How can you incorporate this question into your normal daily routine? Post it on a mirror in the bathroom, in the kitchen, or in the car where everyone can see it.
- Bedtime is a great opportunity to review this question and have discussions about it. If you have trouble remembering, set a reminder on your phone or ask your child to remind you to review this week’s question.
Find the Catechism
There are many ways for your family to keep up with New City Catechism throughout the year.