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The Christian congregation is where people respond to the call of Christ together. Together, they deny themselves, take up their cross, and follow him. Together, they become a recognizable community unified around truth, worship and prayer, mutual care and discipleship, and mission. At Grace Community...

Faith is for following Jesus, and we follow Jesus to all the nations. Jesus commissioned his church to be his voice, calling others to follow him. In this way, his grace extends to more and more people, increasing thanksgiving to the glory of God. Grace...

Jesus Christ came with authority calling people to follow him as disciples. After they stepped into discipleship with Christ by faith they were called Christians. The fundamental call of Christ to us is to be his disciples. A foundational value of Grace Community Church is...

The rightly ordered world is where the Creator and Redeemer is worshipped by the created and redeemed. This is what the world to come will be. Until then, God’s people on earth rightly order themselves in humility and gratitude before him. We worship the Lord...

This is the first message in a series on the Foundations of Grace Community Church. Jesus is the final and complete Word of God, and the Bible bears witness to him. Therefore, we pay close attention to what we have heard. We value the Bible and...

What do we do with our hearts? As Christians, we know that God has made our hearts clean and new. But, we can grow cold and are prone to wander. Do we follow our inclinations wherever they lead in the name of authenticity? Do we...

Toward the end of his life and ministry, Jesus taught about the end of history as we know it, which will be the time of his return. Jesus said that in light of the final end, we are always to be praying that we may...

It may seem idealistic to pray for the whole world. But, praying for the world is what Jesus told his church to do. God called the church from the world, and from the church he continues to call the world. When we pray for the...

The two-volume work we know as Luke/Acts shows us a progression in prayer that takes us from the birth and life of Jesus, through the ministry of Jesus to the apostles, to the ongoing life and ministry of the church on earth. Jesus prayed, taught...

“Your kingdom come” is the prayer Jesus told us to pray. This prayer is for the future, when the kingdom of God will come in fullness. It is for the present, that the rule of God will increase in the hearts of people, the church...

God has given the gift of the Holy Spirit. Now, the Holy Spirit works his ministries among us in an ongoing and overflowing manner. Let us come to our good and giving Father as children in need, through Jesus the Son who is our Savior,...

The theology on which our praying is built is that our access to God the Father is through Jesus the Son who opened the way for us.  Jesus teaches his disciples to pray to the Father because he forgives sins and brings repentant sinners into...

Jesus spoke of God and prayed to him as his Father.  When Jesus taught his disciples about God and how to pray to him, he told them to call God their Father.  The theology on which our praying is built is the Fatherhood of God,...

It is Jesus’ desire that we experience communion with God through Him both now and for eternity. Not only does he want this, but he does everything necessary to make it possible. Speaker Josh Hussung. Grace Community church exists to build spiritually healthy people for ministry...

We tend to divide ourselves into groups based on our likes and dislikes, but Jesus prays for all believers to be united through faith in Him. He provides the love and reconciliation that is necessary for this supernatural unity among His diverse people. This kind...

Grace Community church exists to build spiritually healthy people for ministry in the world. One of the ways that we pursue this mission is by gathering each Sunday for corporate worship, prayer, and biblical teaching. The corporate nature of this gathering is both edifying to...

We often treat prayer casually, as though it were something trivial. But how is it that we are even able to pray? How can sinful people have access to a holy God? On our own, we cannot. But we see in the prayer of Jesus...

James has called us to pray for each other in the situations and circumstances of life. Now he is calling us to put feet to our prayers and actually help the one who wanders from the truth return home. Our service to one another includes...

The Bible teaches us many kinds of prayer. Christians pray in various ways. In this passage, James calls us to pray simple prayers of faith. Using Elijah as the example, James shows us that prayers prayed according to God’s word and will, from a heart...

James said to be patient until the coming of the Lord. Jesus asked if he would find faith on earth when he returns. The evidence of patience and faith is found in prayer. At Grace Community Church, we are being called to a life of...

One of the great Christian disciplines is the regular, mental rehearsal of the coming of the Lord, reminding ourselves of what will be then. Doing so focuses our minds and establishes our hearts for living in faithfulness to Christ now. The coming of the Lord...

The love of money is the root of all kinds of evil, including the violation of love for God and others. Come now, let us consider the One who was rich beyond compare, yet became poor that we might become rich in God. Let us...

We make plans and travel, and make money and spend it, just like everyone else. So what difference does having faith in the Lord Jesus Christ make in the way we live? Being a Christian gives us a new wisdom from God, a new understanding...

When we gather together as a congregation, we are like the disciples sitting around the table with Jesus partaking of the bread and cup. We are sitting among sacred things. Here, among the sacred, we must not be profane by speaking evil against one another....

We all have idolatrous desires within us that can steal our joy and cause conflict. These desires and the conflict they cause prevent the church from having the gospel witness that it is called to. In order for us to live in peace with one...

Jesus is serious about joy, in heaven and on earth. He says there is great joy when sinful people return to God down the road of repentance. James restates Jesus’ call to joy. He starts by exposing our joylessness in relation to people and to...

Our words reflect the prevailing wisdom of our hearts. There is a wisdom from above that changes our hearts and gives us the power to use our words of good. This wisdom belongs to God and comes to us in Christ. A heart at peace...

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