
J.I. Packer sums up the Apostle Paul's "thorn in the flesh" reasoning (2 Corinthians 12:7-10) this way: "Paul models the discipleship, spiritual maturity, and growth in grace that all believers are called to pursue. When the world tells us, as it does, that everyone has a...

I recently attended a funeral service led by my pastor, Bob Mowrey. Everyone calls him Bro. Bob. Bro. Bob served as the pastor of Park Avenue Baptist Church in Nashville for thirty-five years. After his "retirement," he served several churches as interim pastor and helped them...

While on sabbatical during February and March, I had the privilege to participate in Sunday worship at Grace for eight weeks without preaching. During these weeks, I gained some insights into the practical aspects of Sunday worship. Here are a few things I learned. 1. It...

Here are two new stories of grace at Grace: Incredible Privilege to Walk in Community "Let's go talk and pray with the elders at Grace first and then go from there." It was my husband's voice speaking and his words broke through my foggy mind. "It's time...

Here is a story of grace at Grace written by Katie Thompson: I was eighteen years old when I attended my first service at GCC in 1993. A few things still stand out to me from those early days. There was just one guy with a...

Here is the latest story of grace at Grace from our church plant, Redeemer Church: We are pleased to join you in celebrating 20 years of ministry as a congregation. We are thankful to God for His provision, protection and blessing upon you. We see the...

"The grass withers, the flower fades…" The fact that the grass and flowers wither and fade doesn't mean they are bad, but that their beauty is not forever. Nothing in this life can make the claim of "forever." Everything changes and we can't change that. Let's face...

Read Cindy Curtis' story of grace at Grace: "I have most known grace at Grace through our times of worship. I will never forget my first Sunday at Grace in the Lifeway building. I felt that God opened my mouth and poured refreshing water into my...

Read Allison's story of grace at Grace: "For those at Grace, these words from the song 'Never Cease to Praise' are probably very familiar: May the words we share be Your grace and peace, May our tongues speak Your proclamations That the many parts of the body of Christ Be...

Here's another story of grace at Grace, written by John Kramp: Among a long list of ways I have experienced God's grace at Grace, two surprised me — congregational singing and prayer. I experience God's grace as the congregation sings each Sunday. I don't really hear the...

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