Words of Grace – Stay with Jesus

Words of Grace – Stay with Jesus

Hebrews 13:8 says, “Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever.” The verses that follow in Hebrews 13 tell us that since Jesus remains the same, we are to remain with him. Here at the close of Hebrews, the message of endurance is given again: stay with Jesus.

Stay with the cross of Jesus as our truth. Staying with Jesus means not being led away from the cross by teachings about other means of salvation.

Stay with the name of Jesus in our worship. We are to continually say “thank you” to God through Jesus and for Jesus.

Stay with the example of Jesus in our living. We follow Jesus by doing good.

To prepare for Sunday worship at Grace, read Hebrews 13:7-16, and ask yourself these questions: Am I holding on to the truth of the cross and to trust in the cross? Am I continually giving praise to God for Jesus? Today, in tasks, conversations, and decisions, am I following Jesus as a servant to others?

Staying with Jesus is enduring in truth, worship, and obedience. Think on these things.

– Scott