
I recently sat with a small group of pastors for an afternoon conversation. We do this regularly enough to have developed a pattern. We each take our turn to give a brief update on life and ministry. Then we put our leadership challenges on the...

Last Sunday, we saw from 1 Corinthians 15 the great end toward which God is moving the world. It all started with the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ, will continue with the resurrection of all who are "in Christ" (Christians), and conclude with Christ...

It's been an interesting week to think about life. Last Sunday, after preaching from 1 Corinthians 15 on the resurrection of the dead, I went to the Hope Clinic for Women. There I heard how everyday clinic workers have conversations with women making the decision...

We have one word for many kinds of affection. The word "love" is used for food, sports, and spouses. It applies to marital fidelity and fornication. The only way to know what it means when it is used is to listen for the context or...

A Letter from Former Elder, David Atchison Dear Brothers & Sisters, Last month, the elders recommended my wife Elaine for the position of Director of Congregational Care. Upon the church's affirmation, I submitted my resignation as an elder of Grace Community Church in keeping with our policy...

Christians have forever asked what it means to be spiritual. What spiritual experiences must we have, knowledge must we attain, and personality must we possess to be spiritual? That is the question being addressed in 1 Corinthians 12, which we will consider this Sunday at...

The discussion in 1 Corinthians 11-14 is carried along by the phrase, "When you meet together." These four chapters are about what we call "going to church." Paul addresses three different issues in the worship gatherings in Corinth: head coverings, the Lord's Supper, and the use...

It has been said that church and politics don't mix. There is some truth to that statement. Churches are not citizens. They don't vote, run for office, or serve on school boards or city councils. Churches are not political action committees. They don't endorse or...

Today is a good day to be grateful for God's good gift of marriage and to commit ourselves again to honor marriage as he has designed it and revealed it to be in the Bible. In 2004, the elders of Grace Community Church presented a Statement...

Congregation, A text message came in early this morning: "This world is so sick and sinful. My heart is heavy. I need an encouraging word from my pastor today." I knew this person must be watching the news reports about the diabolical killing and wounding of...

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