A Breath Of Fresh Air…
There are some decisions in life that you have to pray and ask God what His will is. Then there are some decisions that He just confirms in your spirit and you know what His will is. And that was the way it was when...
There are some decisions in life that you have to pray and ask God what His will is. Then there are some decisions that He just confirms in your spirit and you know what His will is. And that was the way it was when...
How has Grace impacted lives? Here is an illustration from this morning that is an example of what occurs over and over in my life. Today was a very important day in both my personal life and in the ministry the Father has given me. I...
When Lindsey and I decided to move to Nashville we were newlyweds and barely 20 years old. We were moving to a city where we knew no one, and I was entering a grad school environment where it was clear my faith would be tested....
I started attending Grace due to the recommendation of my father, who met Scott and members of Grace at a missions retreat in Thailand in the late 90's. I had just graduated from college, and my parents were then serving as missionaries in Singapore. After...
It's hard to know where to begin. I've been blessed by so many things at Grace Community Churchthe worship, the teaching, the gospel message presented clearly and faithfullybut my most vivid image of Grace is community. I came to Grace in 2001 as a student at...
When you send a child off to college in another state you pray they stand firm on the Word of God you've raised them with and that they find a good church to plug into. In 1994 our son, Jeff, went to Belmont University and...
Pastor Scott hit the nail on the head (as he often does) in this morning's sermon. Grace is about God. Grace Community Church is about God as well. That is what drew me to become a member of Grace nine years ago. I came to Grace...
When we visited Grace in January 1993, we honestly believed our search for a permanent church home would continue the following week. We had four kids and Grace had no youth group or children's ministry. So we knew this new church had little to offer...
I grew up in a traditional faith. At times, my family went to church a lot but mostly it was only Christmas and Easter. When I went to catechism I always wondered how everyone else knew all these things about Jesus and I did not....
I began coming to Grace around five years ago after a pretty difficult season of disillusionment with the church. I remember that the first few weeks/months of sitting in the service were different than what I had experienced at a church before. First, it struck me...