
Originally posted on October 30, 2003 To ground our praying in God's word and to give us confidence and purpose in our praying, we considered Ephesians 3:20-21. These verses come at the end of a longer prayer. In the prayer, the Apostle Paul prayed...

Originally posted on September 26, 2003 The first century missionary tour of the Apostle Paul in Europe saw mixed reception. Some believed his message of Christ and become followers, while others did not. Those rejecters of the message did not quietly go home and...

Originally posted on August 20, 2003 The internet allows us to take what once was an in-house discussion and open it up to anyone who cares to log on and read. Here at Grace Community Church we usually have these discussions in the form of...

Originally posted on July 9, 2003 Talking about God is certainly an acceptable topic for a church. But talking about sinners is another matter. To do so seems so outdated. After all, aren't we just wounded, or misguided, or in process? For...

Originally posted on June 23, 2003 If you are checking out this web site, there is a good chance you are searching for spiritual truth; for meaning, purpose, and love; for God. Every search is really a question in need of an answer. A friend of...

Originally posted on April 1, 2003 As good citizens, we consume the news of the events of war, make decisions and form opinions, use our constitutional freedom to express our views to our leaders, and support those who serve our country and the world in the...

Originally posted on February 27, 2003 "Growth in not an option." When I heard those words from a conference speaker a few years ago, I knew he had spoken one of the most important sentences I would ever hear. It's true, growth is not...

Originally posted on February 26, 2003 "And we know that God causes everything to work together for the good of those who love God and are called according to his purpose for them. For God knows his people in advance, and he chose them to...

Originally posted on February 7, 2003 The great work of Christian missions is to present Jesus Christ as Lord to the world and to call all people to willingly, lovingly, and savingly confess Him as such. Philippians 2:10 envisions a day when "every knee will bow, of those who are...

Originally posted on January 14, 2003. Times of celebration are great opportunities for renewal. When a couple celebrates a wedding anniversary, they often renew their love for one another. When athletes celebrate a victory, they renew their commitment to hard work to ensure another...

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