
How? We have been asking that question all of our lives. From tying our shoes to solving a math problem to navigating the adult world of career, family, and finances, we need to know how to do it. At Grace we have been talking about living by...

Over 300 years ago, John Bunyan sat in a prison cell and wrote about endurance in the Christian life. He had been sentenced for preaching the gospel without a license from the established church. He was experiencing understandable bouts with doubt, emotional stress, and depression....

According to Hebrews 11:17, Abraham's faith was tested when God told him to offer his son Isaac as a burnt offering (a sacrifice). You will want to read the account in Genesis 22. As I read it again today, I could feel the tension in...

Abraham and Sarah are presented to us in Hebrews 11 as examples of faith. When you read the account of their lives in Genesis 12-21, they look like examples of stumbling and bumbling humans like us. So what do their lives teach us about faith? They do...

Since I don't think we can separate our faithfulness to Jesus from the realities and relationships of our lives, I believe we can apply the passage from Hebrews 12:1 to endurance in marriage: "Laying aside every weight, and the sin that so easily entangles us,...

"Oh come, let us worship and bow down; let us kneel before the Lord, our Maker!" - Psalm 95:6 Each week the church staff and volunteers prepare for the Sunday worship gathering at Grace. The sermon, songs, buildings and bulletins must be prepared during the week...

Each January many people in America observe Sanctity of Human Life Sunday. While affirming the dignity and value of human life, we have also mourned the loss of over 55 million lives through abortion since the Supreme Court ruled in Roe v. Wade (1973) that...

We are praying together at Grace this week. The "Devoted To Prayer" guide you received on Sunday gives you Bible passages and prayer requests for eight days. Here are four benefits of persistent prayer I hope we experience this week: 1. The increase of the glory of...

The last time I ran a marathon, I wanted to change the course distance at mile 20. I wanted to exchange my lungs and legs for those of an elite athlete. I wanted to move the hands of the clock forward so the race would...

Jesus came to be met. So many people don't realize this. To them, Jesus is a figure in history long dead and irrelevant, or the inspiration for discontent cultural revolutionaries, or the leader of morally uptight Americans. But a person to be met and known? During Advent...

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