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All of God's saving work, from beginning to end, can be summed up in the phrase, "By grace through faith." This theme runs throughout the Bible, is the basis of our salvation, and is the principle by which we live for God's glory. Text: Romans...

The presence and prophecy of John shows us that God is faithful to his word, that he acts at the right time, that he prepares for the arrival of his Son, and that he calls people to enter into his saving work. Text: Mark 1:1-8

God's word through the prophet Isaiah is of judgement for the purpose of repentance, salvation through the Lord's Servant, and renewal as the future hope. Once again God's plan put before us in history is pointing to its fulfillment in Jesus Christ. Our hope is...

The true king over the kingdom of God is Jesus Christ. As kingdom people we receive King Jesus, live under his rule, bear witness to him, and pray. This is our kingdom life until he comes again. Text: 2 Samuel 7

Our failures create a longing for something more, and leads us to hope in God's merciful plan. Text: Judges 2:11-23

Deuteronomy tells us that God calls his people to faithfulness through love and obedience. As we live faithfully to him, we give testimony to the nations that there is no God like him, the one living and true God, who is near to all who...

The book of Exodus shows more of God's saving work in the fullness of time. The Exodus event is both God's work in history and a pattern fulfilled in Christ for how we become and live as God's people. Text: Exodus 14

Genesis gives us "the beginning" of both the plan and the timing of God. The rest of the Bible shows us that each part of God's saving plan is carried out at just the right time. When we come to see this we can find...

The Spirit of God in our hearts is so transformative that we move from seeking self glory to seeking God's glory. This new motivation is behind all we do as Christians and as a local congregation. Our church life is designed to reflect God's character...

Christians and congregations often get discouraged because they perceive the gospel to be weak, and because they know themselves to be weak. But our confidence is in God who shines light in the human heart to see the truth and grace of the gospel, and...

The most famous Christian prayer, called "The Lord's Prayer," is a call for the church to pray for the glory of God on earth as it is in heaven. Text: Matthew 6:5-15

The grace of God is the power that produces faith, love, and hope in a Christian and a congregation. As those who have received God's grace, we pray for and pursue a corporate life characterized by faith, love, and hope. In this way we glorify...

We were made, and re-made, by God's grace. Now we live for the praise of his glorious grace.

Job's journey along the path of suffering led to the unexpected experience of seeing God. Seeing God in the cross of Christ assures us that he is working all things according to his purpose and for our good, even in our suffering. Text: Job 42:1-6

The book of Job introduces us to the themes of redemption. These themes find their fulfillment in the pages of the New Testament and the person of Jesus Christ. Job believed so much about God's grace with so little revelation of his plan. May we...

We need wisdom when we suffer, but it is no different than the wisdom we are called to in all seasons of life. True wisdom is the fear of the Lord. True understanding is to turn from evil and seek the Lord. In season and...

In Job's season of suffering the sad reality is that his three friends missed his pain to prove their point. From the speeches between Job and his friends we can learn much about how to be, and not to be, a friend. Text: Job 4-5

Job expressed his desire to die by cursing the day he was born. Job was done, but God was not. Job lived another day to see the Lord and to worship him. Text: Job 2:11-3:26

When one person suffers, others close by suffer, too. From this brief conversation between Job and his wife we can learn much about suffering together.

Job came to see the sovereignty of God as powerful, purposeful, and personal. He saw that God was on his side. This was his comfort in suffering.

The book of Job opens with an accusation that Job worships God only because his life is blessed. This accusation is confronted by God and turned into the validation of Job's faith and the worth of God. God is worthy of worship at...

The love of Jesus forgives, serves, and restores sinners to himself. From this love, he commissions us to follow his example by fulfilling the role God has planned for us. Text: John 21:1-22

Our lives are full of troubles, but we need not despair. Jesus is our model, our mentor, and our victor. Troubles confuse, scatter, and isolate us, but Jesus maintained clarity, commitment, and companionship with the Father. Jesus has also given us his promises, assistance, and...

Human beings need to be set free from the power, penalty, and presence of sin. Jesus came to set us free by his death and resurrection, and tells us that if we continue in his word, we will be free indeed. Text: John 8:31-36

Jesus invites us to come and know him in a lifelong relationship as his disciples. Text: John 1:35-51

The final words of Colossians call us to receive what is written by Paul about Christ, to remember the chains of Paul because they are for Christ, and to rejoice in the grace of God which is in Christ. This is a fitting conclusion to...

The names mentioned at the end of Colossians reveal that the church of Jesus Christ is a diverse and unified, redeemed and reconciled, gifted group of average people who each contribute to work of the kingdom of God. We find ourselves in this list of...

To be in Christ is the transforming reality that makes our normal relationships and interactions not merely better, but new. Christ in us is the hope of glory, and the guide for living. Text: Colossians 3:17-4:1

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