
Originally posted on June 2, 2004 Everyone sometimes has trouble connecting with others. Church people are no different. Life pulls us in many different directions, making it necessary for us to be committed to connecting. But we must connect. God gave...

Originally posted on May 6, 2004 Sometimes walking by faith requires taking a specific action step into the unknown. It means making a decision. It's like crossing a line. My favorite "line crossing" story is really about crossing a river. In...

Originally posted on April 23, 2004 The Old Testament leader Nehemiah shows us what it looks like to face and overcome difficulty by faith. Nehemiah's mission was to rebuild the walls around the city of Jerusalem and to strengthen the hearts of the discouraged people...

Originally posted on April 15, 2004 The Verbs of Faith Hebrews 11 is the chapter best known for its teaching on faith. The phrase "by faith" is used twenty times to describe the lives of many of the great people of the Bible....

Originally posted on April 8, 2004 "By grace through faith" is the Bible's way of expressing the basic way God deals with people. This means that as a Christian, we live the life of faith that believes and acts on everything God has given us...

Originally posted on April 1, 2004 "Now to Him who is able to do far more abundantly beyond all that we ask or think, according to the power that works within us, to Him be the glory in the church and in Christ Jesus...

Originally posted on January 23, 2004 We all need a "center". A center is the bedrock truth that determines how we live. It is also the truth we keep coming back to for perspective, encouragement and energy to keep moving forward ...

Originally posted on December 30, 2003 "I will tell all my brothers the greatness of Your name, in the presence of the whole congregation I will sing your praise." Psalm 22:22 Dear Grace Family, As I reflect back on 2003, I see the faithfulness and goodness of the...

Originally posted on December 11, 2003 This past Sunday, I preached a vision message looking forward to 2004. I gave three prayers for our church that would become three pursuits of our church. The first prayer pursuit is that Grace would experience the greatest...

Originally posted on November 27, 2003 Christ told us to love one another; however, he also told us to fight! The key is to know when to do which, and with whom. We love people because people are not our enemy. We fight the evil...

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