
I’ll let you in on a preacher’s dilemma. Sometimes it’s just as difficult to figure out how to preach a passage as it is to figure out what the passage means. John 6 is a great example of this dilemma. By biblical standards, this is a long...

This Sunday at Grace, we will take up John 4 and once again hear the words of Jesus to the woman of Samaria. We will focus on what Jesus has to say about true worship. Spend some time this weekend reading John 4:20-26 and pray for our...

Dear Congregation, It’s been a while since I used this Words of Grace space to call us to a weekend of prayer. Today is a great day to return to this theme. This weekend, let’s pray for Grace Community Church. Let’s pray for the word of Christ to...

Sometimes we use the account of Jesus cleansing the temple as cover for our anger and justification for doing destructive things. The problem is, we don’t keep reading the record to see behind his actions the unique, redeeming love of Jesus that led to his...

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