To trust in the Lord with all your heart and in all your ways is the wisest way to live.
But it’s possible that our conception of the wise person amounts to someone who doesn’t need to trust anyone or anything. Maybe if you have ever...
It’s spring break week in Middle Tennessee, and the weather cooperated.
Two things happened this week, one without much thought and the other because some didn’t think. Both were related to the sun. Without even thinking about it, vitamin D synthesis occurred for more people because...
Wisdom comes from God to those who fear him.
Proverbs, the book of wisdom in the Bible, says the fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom (Proverbs 1:7, 9:10).
We might be tempted to think that the fear of the Lord is removed by his...
No one has ever asked me how to be a fool. Never has someone come to me seeking foolish counsel. Everyone I have ever spoken with about the issues of their lives wants to be wise and to act wisely.
Yet, few people know how to...
As the staff of our church knows, I love the 1970 movie, The Cross and The Switchblade. I saw this movie so many times in my youth group that if the reel-to-reel projector ever broke down, I could have acted out the rest of it....
This Sunday at Grace we will come to the final exhortation of Paul’s letter to the Colossian church before his closing greetings. He tells them to live and speak wisely and in ways that seek to silence the slander of unbelievers against them and to...
This week our community experienced another school shooting that resulted in a murder, a suicide, and deep trauma for many. We pray for help and healing for all impacted by this tragedy.
This morning I read one of the many opinion pieces that included a list...
I’ve been in some settings where the icebreaker question was of the “one thing” type. What’s one thing you would take with you to outer space? What’s one thing you can’t live without? What’s one thing you hope to do in the upcoming year? Whenever...
At this time every year, we can count on another round of posts and podcasts telling us how to make and keep New Year's resolutions. And we fall for it again. With renewed inspiration, we resolve again to start, stop, change, or adjust something that...
The three means of grace the Holy Spirit has used to keep me in faith, and the three practices that I have employed to keep myself in the way of the Spirit’s work are prayer, reading the Word, and participating in the church. You can...