
We need explanations to gain understanding, and sometimes we need experience to really know the truth. Colossians 1:9-10 teaches this connection between explanation and experience. There we read that we are filled with knowledge, wisdom, and understanding so that we can walk according to Christ. By doing...

The language of salvation we most often use includes words like forgiveness, reconciliation, and new life. Praise God for these realities of the gospel. A much less used phrase, but equally true and necessary, is “union”. By grace through faith, we are united to Christ. As...

The power of a phrase is undeniable. Marketers know this. Think of how many products you purchase and places you go that have a memorable slogan attached to them. Colossians 2 comes with a phrase that clarifies what we are to believe and how we are...

This morning’s reading was the 100th Psalm. I read through the psalm quickly with the thought of moving on to some other reading I had planned. But as I slowed down, the force of it landed appropriately on my soul and I stopped to pray. What...

We have a life-long concern for our bodies. Have we come to see them as consecrated to God and the place where we serve Christ and his church? Toddlers learn to touch their eyes, ears, nose, and toes as they sing songs with their parents. Children...

All who set themselves to obey the command of Christ to persist in prayer experience times when they simply don’t know what to ask. Not knowing how to pray can happen when the situation is complex, when we are overwhelmed with emotion, or when we’ve prayed...

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