Words of Grace Podcast

This week, Justin and Scott talk about the importance of being a disciple and being a Christian. Why is it important to keep these in the same category and not separate these terms? https://grace-audio.s3.amazonaws.com/WoGP/2019/2019WoGP0930.mp3...

How does the right worship of God in a local congregation benefit a city? Scott Patty and Justin Tucker discuss this topic on today's podcast. https://grace-audio.s3.amazonaws.com/WoGP/2019/2019WoGP0923.mp3...

This week, Justin and Scott discuss the first sermon in our “Foundations of Grace” series. Does God only speak through the Bible? How can we discern God’s voice? Scott and Justin dive into these questions and more. https://grace-audio.s3.amazonaws.com/WoGP/2019/2019WoGP0916.mp3...

In 1 Thessalonians, Paul tells us to aspire to a quiet life. Does this mean that we should never pursue something unique or different? What mindset should we have in order to be content with a quiet life? Justin and Scott look at these questions...

Is the cross of Christ the only way we know God loves us? Will God ever give us what we desire? How can we embrace His love in the midst of hardship? Scott and Justin address these questions and more in this week's podcast. https://grace-audio.s3.amazonaws.com/WoGP/2019/2019WoGP0903.mp3...

This week, Justin and Scott discuss how the gospel gives us the confidence to be honest about our own hearts with ourselves and others in the church. https://grace-audio.s3.amazonaws.com/WoGP/2019/2019WoGP0826.mp3...

This week Justin and Scott look back at some of the highlights and hopes for our summer focus on prayer as a congregation. https://grace-audio.s3.amazonaws.com/WoGP/2019/2019WoGP0819.mp3...

This week's podcast was originally recorded in January 2018. Justin and Scott take a look at how the gospel helps us shift from thinking about “me” to “we,” and from “us” to “Christ”. If a church made these shifts, what impact would that have on...

This week, Justin and Scott talk about the importance of taking our focus off our method of prayer and placing it onto the person of God. https://grace-audio.s3.amazonaws.com/WoGP/2019/2019WoGP0715.mp3...

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