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These two chapters of Isaiah are poetic prophesies of contrasting destinations. One final reality is judgement and the wrath of God. The other is life in the presence of the holy God who dwells with his redeemed in a place of glory and good. The...

The Way of Holiness This Sunday at Grace Community Church we will continue our sermon series from Isaiah by considering the two roads that lead to two destinations found in chapters 34 and 35. Read these chapters this weekend and pray for our time together. In Isaiah...

This week Justin and Scott discuss how we can submit under God’s hand, and how to live with tension as Christians in our world. The Words of Grace Podcast seeks to clarify, amplify, and apply the Sunday morning sermon at Grace Community Church. From time to...

When Jesus washed the disciples feet he communicated two messages. First, he washes us by forgiving our sins through his death on the cross. Second, we wash one another’s feet by becoming servants as he did. Imagine the beauty of a congregation where the humility...

This week Scott and Justin look at one word, unless, from John 6:53 and its importance for the church and our lives.  The Words of Grace Podcast seeks to clarify, amplify, and apply the Sunday morning sermon at Grace Community Church. From time to time we...

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