Jun 17, 2022 What the Foot Washing Says About Relationships – Words of Grace Blog – June 17, 2022
This Sunday at Grace Community Church I plan to preach from John 13 and the account of Jesus washing his disciples’ feet. Two messages will emerge.
One is that Jesus’ ultimate act of service was on the cross where he secured the forgiveness of our sins and washed our souls clean. The other is that we, the followers of Jesus who are forgiven by faith in him, are not above our Teacher and Lord. So, we too are to wash one another’s feet.
As you prepare yourself for worship on Sunday, think this weekend about the two relationships found in the foot washing of John 13. Without them, the messages don’t make sense, nor can they be received and applied to our lives.
First, there is the relationship of Christ and the person who is called to receive a foot washing. Jesus washed one pair of feet at a time, which means each disciple had his own moment with him. We know this because John wrote that when Jesus came to Simon Peter, Peter initially resisted, but then offered up not only his feet but also his hands and head. Peter, and each disciple one by one, had an encounter with Jesus that was personal. Each one, except for Judas who betrayed him, came into relationship with Jesus by faith.
Second, there is the relationship of Christ’s disciples to each other. Jesus said, “You also ought to wash one another’s feet.” The only way for the disciples to serve like Jesus was for them to relate to one another. As each one was washed, he gained a “share” with Christ (verse 8). They came into the shared life of Christ with each other. The relationship they had with each other was because of Christ.
Grace Community Church, take the time this weekend to pray and think about these relationships.
Are you pressing on to know Christ? I continue to have conversations with people about how the disruptions of the past few years are impacting their discipleship. Professing Christians are disoriented and floundering in their faith. There are no quick fixes to faith struggles, but there is a picture of our relationship with Christ that puts it all in perspective. See the Master with towel and basin washing his servants’ feet. See the Savior on the cross forgiving the sins of sinners. Let his grace and love be the cords that draw you back to him.
Are you pressing in to serve your congregation? Many Christians have found themselves disconnected from the church and still not gathering on the Lord’s Day. Some are gathering but remain unengaged in heart. Again, there may not be a quick fix to relationship struggles, but there is a way to press in and press through the initial awkwardness to greater fellowship with others. Look for a towel, find a basin, and ask the Lord to give you a pair of feet to wash at Grace Community Church. Serving will draw you back in.