May 05, 2024 The Preaching Mission of the Anointed One – Isaiah 61 – May 5, 2024
Isaiah 61 prophesies the coming of an Anointed One who will preach good news. As history unfolds, we see this One is Jesus Christ. We also see that Jesus accomplished what he proclaimed. He ushered in the age of grace with its open door to all who repent and believe. New, spiritual life is the gift he offers in word and grants by grace. He opens eyes to see and sets souls free. First, let us receive this Preacher and respond to his word. Then, let us together be on mission with him in the proclamation of the good news.
Grace Community Church exists to build spiritually healthy people for ministry in the world. One of the ways that we pursue this mission is by gathering each Sunday for corporate worship, prayer, and biblical teaching. The corporate nature of this gathering is both edifying to the believer and a witness of God’s grace to the world. Sermon speaker is Scott Patty unless otherwise noted.