New City Catechism 2024

A catechism is a fancy word for a set of questions and answers about Bible doctrines. It is a simple, effective way to teach our children (and adults) the BIG truths of the gospel. Join us in 2024 as we jump into these questions and find out the truth that awaits us! 

Week 16: April 22-28

Question 16: What is sin?

Sin is rejecting or ignoring God in the world he created, not being or doing what he requires in his law. 

1 John 3:4

“Everyone who makes a practice of sinning also practices lawlessness; sin is lawlessness.”


For the Parent’s Heart:

  • Read through Psalm 51 and meditate on the impact of sin in your life and the abundant mercy and grace of God in His forgiveness of you.
  • How do you think your children understand what a sin is?
  • What conversations are you having with them about how their sin affects them and their relationship with God?


Ask Your Children:

  • Have you ever sinned? How?
  • What are the consequences for our sin?
  • Who came to rescue us and redeem us from those consequences?



  • Be sure to check out the playlists below or in the app for helpful songs that your family can listen to for help memorizing these questions and answers.
  • How can you incorporate this question into your normal daily routine? Post it on a mirror in the bathroom, in the kitchen, or in the car where everyone can see it.
  • Bedtime is a great opportunity to review this question and have discussions about it. If you have trouble remembering, set a reminder on your phone or ask your child to remind you to review this week’s question.

Find the Catechism

There are many ways for your family to keep up with New City Catechism throughout the year.


Options available for both Apple and Android products.


There are 50 copies of both the adult and kids editions of this book available at the Chapel welcome desk. First come, first serve. You can also purchase them at Crossway.


We have a new Instagram account for our children’s ministry! Each week, Pastor Jason will post encouragement and discussion points for that week’s question.


The Gospel Coalition has released songs to go with each catechism question. You can find them on both Spotify and Apple Music.