Apr 28, 2024 The Future City of The Lord – Isaiah 60 – April 28, 2024
Isaiah 60 gives us a vision of the future for God’s people. It is a future of glory as he shines upon us and dwells with us. Isaiah tells us to hold that vision firm in our minds because it provides the strength we need to press on toward the future. The vision gives the guidance we need to order our lives according to the future. It is the message we proclaim that calls people to Christ, who makes this future a reality. May we arise and shine with the glory of the Lord upon us.
Grace Community Church exists to build spiritually healthy people for ministry in the world. One of the ways that we pursue this mission is by gathering each Sunday for corporate worship, prayer, and biblical teaching. The corporate nature of this gathering is both edifying to the believer and a witness of God’s grace to the world. Sermon speaker is Scott Patty unless otherwise noted.