Jan 26, 2020 A Prayer to Learn from Christ- Psalm 119:65-72- January 26, 2020
God our Father wants to conform us to the image of his Son Jesus Christ. He has given us his Spirit who uses his Word to transform our hearts. This work of grace moves us to pursue it by faith. Faith begins in prayer; asking God to open our eyes, give us life, incline our hearts, and teach us his ways. As we learn from Christ, we follow him in obedience. This is the life of discipleship. Let us follow Christ together.
Grace Community church exists to build spiritually healthy people for ministry in the world. One of the ways that we pursue this mission is by gathering each Sunday for corporate worship, prayer, and biblical teaching. The corporate nature of this gathering is both edifying to the believer and a witness of God’s grace to the world. Sermon speaker is Scott Patty unless otherwise noted.
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