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James has called us to pray for each other in the situations and circumstances of life. Now he is calling us to put feet to our prayers and actually help the one who wanders from the truth return home. Our service to one another includes...

The Bible teaches us many kinds of prayer. Christians pray in various ways. In this passage, James calls us to pray simple prayers of faith. Using Elijah as the example, James shows us that prayers prayed according to God’s word and will, from a heart...

James said to be patient until the coming of the Lord. Jesus asked if he would find faith on earth when he returns. The evidence of patience and faith is found in prayer. At Grace Community Church, we are being called to a life of...

One of the great Christian disciplines is the regular, mental rehearsal of the coming of the Lord, reminding ourselves of what will be then. Doing so focuses our minds and establishes our hearts for living in faithfulness to Christ now. The coming of the Lord...

The love of money is the root of all kinds of evil, including the violation of love for God and others. Come now, let us consider the One who was rich beyond compare, yet became poor that we might become rich in God. Let us...

We make plans and travel, and make money and spend it, just like everyone else. So what difference does having faith in the Lord Jesus Christ make in the way we live? Being a Christian gives us a new wisdom from God, a new understanding...

When we gather together as a congregation, we are like the disciples sitting around the table with Jesus partaking of the bread and cup. We are sitting among sacred things. Here, among the sacred, we must not be profane by speaking evil against one another....

We all have idolatrous desires within us that can steal our joy and cause conflict. These desires and the conflict they cause prevent the church from having the gospel witness that it is called to. In order for us to live in peace with one...

Jesus is serious about joy, in heaven and on earth. He says there is great joy when sinful people return to God down the road of repentance. James restates Jesus’ call to joy. He starts by exposing our joylessness in relation to people and to...

Our words reflect the prevailing wisdom of our hearts. There is a wisdom from above that changes our hearts and gives us the power to use our words of good. This wisdom belongs to God and comes to us in Christ. A heart at peace...

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