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The power struggle of the city is over the confession of Jesus as Lord and is for the life and freedom of souls. The church has the Spirit and truth of Christ to live by, and to bring to this struggle. Text: Acts 19

Jesus Christ promised that he has his people in the city. Three things mark Christ's people in a city: faith in his cross, public confession of his Lordship, and corporate life in his church. Text: Acts 18:1-11

Paul in Athens is a picture of the church in the city. He shows us how to see the spiritual condition of the city, how to feel within our spirits about it, and what to do in response to it. Text: Acts 17:16-34

In Acts 17, we find Paul and Silas preaching the gospel in Thessalonica and Berea. We also find the gospel as a threat to those seeking power, for in the gospel we are compelled to acknowledge our eternal powerlessness, and then use our power in...

The gospel is God's power to change the human heart and to gather a unified church. God raises up his church in unlikely places with an unlikely mix of people. Text: Acts 16

When the gospel is challenged, it should be debated, defended, and kept pure to the point of division. The health of a Christian and a congregation depends on knowing and believing the message of salvation by grace through faith in Jesus Christ alone. Text: Acts...

God's gift to a city is a healthy church made up of strengthened disciples of Jesus who continue in the faith, are steadfast in tribulation, and seek first the kingdom of God. Text: Acts 14:21-28

The message of forgiveness and freedom through Jesus Christ is for the whole city. It remains the central need of our times. Text: Acts 13-14

Churches, like people, need mentors and models. The church in Antioch can serve as a mentor to us. From this church we learn that the gracious work of God among us should be followed up with intentional discipleship and glad service to others. Text: Acts...

God's Spirit works with the gospel in the hearts of people to change them, in the world to reach all kinds of people, and in the church to bring unity in diversity. Text: Acts 10:1-11:18

In the face of danger to the church from false teaching about grace, we can be confident that Christ will keep us to the end. Text: The Letter of Jude

Christ, who is rich in love, fills us with the love of God that we may walk in love for others. Text: Ephesians 3:14-21

The risen Christ rules with power over all other powers in heaven and on earth. From the riches of Christ's power he strengthens his church to stand against the evil one. Text: Ephesians 6:10-18

Where is truth? Truth is in Jesus. What is truth? The truth is that in Jesus we are new creatures who walk in newness of life. Text: Ephesians 4:17-5:4

Jesus Christ is full of grace. The spiritual blessings of salvation are wave after wave of grace coming to us in Christ. Text: Ephesians 1:3-14

The appearing of the Son of God in the person of Jesus Christ was for us to behold the unsearchable riches of his glory. Text: Ephesians 3:1-13

The gospel's impact goes deeply and far into our world, and God invites us to be his instruments in reaching out with this message. Text: Acts 9:1-19

The mission of God moves forward one conversation at a time. One-to-one engagement is still one way by which God wins the hearts of people. Text: Acts 8:26-40

History teaches us that God is on a mission that is centered on Jesus Christ. This mission is carried out by the church in the power of the Holy Spirit. Text: Acts 6:8-8:1

Soon after the church is called out by the preaching of the gospel, gathered together into a congregation and activated for ministry in the world, it is attacked. The church does battle against its enemy by the power of the Holy Spirit. Text: Acts 3:1-6:7

After the Holy Spirit was poured out, the church was activated as thousands of baptized believers became established around four core activities that continue today: the teaching of God's Word, fellowship, breaking of bread, and prayers. Text: Acts 2:42-47

The Holy Spirit works in the human heart at every stage of salvation. He convicts us of our sin and need. He leads us to repentance and faith. He applies salvation to us by cleansing us of sin and filling us with his presence. Text:...

The day in which we live is for the Lordship of Christ to be acknowledged and the Spirit of God to fill his people for his glory in the world. We live in a long day of opportunity for people to call upon the Lord...

The Church, filled with the Holy Spirit, tells the message of the mighty works of God. People, drawn by the Holy Spirit, hear the message of God's power and grace, and ask, "What does this mean?" What message are we telling and what are others...

The disciples were in Jerusalem waiting for the promise of the Father when the Holy Spirit fell upon them. This shows us that the Spirit of God equips the people of God to live out the mission of God in the power of God. Text:...

The work of the Holy Spirit is for the accomplishment of all that God has spoken. Text: Acts 1:15-26

The church, and each Christian member of it, is daily dependent on the power of the Holy Spirit. What we need is promised and provided by God. What we do is pray and submit ourselves to him. Text: Acts 1:4-14

The Book of Acts is the continuation of what Jesus began when he was on earth. Its message tells us what we, the church, continue to do today. Text: Acts 1:1-11

There is a King from Israel. He makes us right in the eyes of God. Text: Judges 21:25

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