Following the Lamb: Gospel of John
Following the lamb begins with a glimpse of Jesus, and continues through intentional choices driven by faith. Text: John 1:29-39
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Following the lamb begins with a glimpse of Jesus, and continues through intentional choices driven by faith. Text: John 1:29-39
Revelation 20 gives us the picture of Jesus Christ reigning over all, now and in the future to come. This picture includes the faithful followers of Christ reigning with him. As we follow the Lamb, we find comfort and courage to face the adversities of...
In this scene of worship before the throne of God, the great "Hallelujah's" are for the Lord who has once for all judged evil and justified his people. The message to God's people is to be confident in his righteousness, assured of our salvation, and...
This passage gives us the picture of Jesus Christ overcoming Satan and sustaining God's people in the ongoing spiritual battle of this life. The message is that Christ wins and we fight. The call is for endurance, keeping the commandments of God and our faith...
Through warnings, the word, and the witness of the church, Jesus is calling the world to repentance and faith in him. In this heavenly scene, the final judgement is complete, and Christ is reigning forever and ever. Repent and reign with him. Text: Revelation 8-11
The picture of Jesus Christ we get from Revelation 6-7 is that he remains in control throughout all of history and he keeps his people for the throne room of heaven. We are called to trust in the Lamb to cleanse our hearts and follow...
Jesus Christ is the one who is worthy of worship and able to give us hope for the future. Text: Revelation 4-5
The picture of Jesus given in Revelation 1-3 is of the One in the midst of his church. He lives among his people with authority, speaking his message and directing the life and mission of the church in the world. With spiritual ears, we are...
The book of Revelation gives us multiple visions of Jesus Christ that call us to faith and infuse us with hope. In this first vision, he is the first and the last, and the living one. Text: Revelation 1:1-18
God's love is powerful to rescue and reconcile people to himself. As followers of Jesus who have experienced the power of God's love, this should create in us an eagerness to share the gospel with others. God's motivating love compels us to be his witnesses...
Jesus Christ saved us to sin no more and to love God more. To love the Lord God with the whole heart is the desire and pursuit of the person made new by God's grace. Text: Deuteronomy 6:4-5
God wants us to know his love for us, and he has given us many ways to do so. Let us press on to know the love of God. Text: Ephesians 3:14-21
The book of Hosea is the story of a broken marriage that shows the unfaithfulness of God's people to him. The prophet Hosea's actions to bring back his wayward wife show the depths of God's restoring love for his people. Text: Hosea
God's discipline comes in many forms, but it always comes from his love. As the loved children of God, we are to encourage one another to submit to his discipline and to endure in faith. Text: Hebrews 12:1-17
God loves us, so he is honest with us. His loving honesty leads us to him. Text: Mark 10:17-27
Text: Romans 8:31-39
God loves His children. His love for us is so constant and strong that no circumstance can overwhelm us. And no person, group, or force can come between us and our heavenly Father. Text: Romans 8:31-39
How do we love one another? We love as those who are loved by God, reconciled to him through his Son Jesus Christ, and born again by his Spirit. As the beloved, we love one another from the resource of God's abiding, self-giving, others-focused and...
God and his love come to, into, and from us by the Spirit who has been given to us. The Spirit of God rebirths our spirit, pours God's love into our hearts, and produces the fruit of love in us. God abides in us. Let...
Since God has loved us in Jesus Christ, we ought to love one another with self-giving, others-focused, good-seeking love. Text: I John 4:7-21
God is a personal being and love is an attribute of his nature, so all his actions are done in love. God's actions define love, so we know love by his Son, Jesus Christ, whom he sent. God and his love abide in us through...
When God is pleased to reveal His Son to us, we become compelled to serve. We join the church throughout history in the mission to advance the glory and honor of Christ's name for the salvation of people. Text: Acts 28
When God reveals his Son to us we become convinced of his resurrection and captivated by his return. By faith we press on in this life with the assurance that we, too, will be raised to enter the kingdom of God. Text: Acts 27:1-28:6
When God is pleased to reveal his Son to us, we become captured by Christ for a new purpose. Text: Acts 26
What hope is in the resurrection of Jesus Christ? Because he lives, we have forgiveness to cover our sin, life to overcome death, a Lord to love and obey, and a future resurrection into glory that awaits. Text: Acts 22:30-23:11
When God reveals his Son to us he calls us to himself and appoints us to a life that brings glory to his name. An encounter with Christ captures our hearts to heed his call. With a clear sense of calling we are...
When God reveals his Son to us we are changed. An encounter with Jesus Christ converts our loyalties and moves us to say, "The will of the Lord be done." Text: Acts 21:1-17
The Holy Spirit empowers the church to endure. In Acts 20, Paul meets with the Ephesians elders for what he thinks will be his last time to instruct them on how they can endure for the sake of the gospel. Text: Acts 20:17-38
The power struggle of the city is over the confession of Jesus as Lord and is for the life and freedom of souls. The church has the Spirit and truth of Christ to live by, and to bring to this struggle. Text: Acts 19