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The mouth speaks from what fills the heart. The Christian congregation is so saturated with the message of Christ that helpful words are spoken to each other, and words of thanksgiving are sung to God. The healthy and helpful congregation is a place of new...

Christians are in a new state of peace with God because Christ has removed our sin and reconciled us to him. This new peace is now the arbiter within, settling issues in our hearts and in the church. In Christ we have peace with God...

The life of a Christian is the life of the new self. Our new nature is expressed in the new qualities of love. We love as Christ has loved us. Text: Colossians 3:1-14

Christians have a new way to die. As those who by faith in Christ have died to sin and have been raised to new life, we now die daily to the sin lurking in our hearts. Text: Colossians 3:1-14

Good Friday service 2018

The healthy and helpful church watches the world they engage with by approaching God in prayer, and approaching people about God. Text: Colossians 4:2-6

Christians now have a new orientation toward Christ. We are called to set our minds on the grace and glory of Christ. This new mindset directs our practical living in every area of life. Text: Colossians 3:1-4

We are always new Christians and a new congregation. Our new life in Christ is based on our union with him. We are united with Christ in his death, his resurrection, his current life with the Father, and his future return in glory. Text: Colossians...

The established church Christ wants is one where people have received him in truth and by faith, and are walking in that truth firm in faith. We are praying for the work of God in Grace Community Church to establish us firm in the faith....

The untroubled Christian and congregation have the full assurance that all the wisdom and knowledge needed to know God is in Christ. Text: Colossian 2

Who are we and what do we do? These are two basic questions that every Christian and congregation should ask. The identity and calling of every Christian and every congregation is summed up in Christ. Text: Colossians 1:27-29

As Christians and as a congregation, we know that our hope of glory is Christ living in us. For Christ's sake we bear the suffering that comes with making him known to our generation. Text: Colossians 1:24-27

This passage says that we are now reconciled to God so that we will someday be presented before him holy, blameless, and above reproach, if we continue in the faith. Paul uses the word "if" not to create doubt in our minds about being reconciled...

When God, in grace, changes our minds from hostility toward him to repentance and faith in him, we become worshippers. When God opens our eyes to see that our reconciliation to him is based on the saving work of his Son, we become worshippers of...

In this prayer, Paul is looking back on the cross of Christ and the conversion of these Christians; for that, he gives thanks. He also looks ahead to the day of Christ's return and to what these Christians will need until then; for that, he...

The church in Colossea was known for its faith in Christ, love for one another, and hope of heaven. May this be our reputation in our city in the years ahead. Text: Colossians 3-8

The opening of the book of Colossians encourages us to make two shifts in our thinking. The first shift is from "me" to "we". The second shift is from "us" to "Christ". Together, we are encouraged to think about being the church in Christ....

We can follow Jesus without fear because he is with us and will be until the very end. Then, we will be with him forever. Fear not. Text: John 14:1-21

The announcements of Jesus' birth came with the word of the Lord through his angle saying, "Fear not." Trusting, worshiping, serving, and loving Jesus the joy of our lives in a world of fear. Text: Luke 2:1-21

We do not fear because God has called us for his purpose, and he will fulfill it. Text: 1 Samuel 16:1-13

In the Exodus we hear the word of Lord encouraging us to walk in faith and not fear, for he has delivered us from the enemy and will bring us to our home with him. Text: Exodus 14

As far back as Abraham in the book of Genesis, God spoke a version of the promise of salvation in his Son Jesus Christ. God continued to speak this promise right up to the birth of Jesus. Fear not, and live by faith; God will...

Being made right with God, by grace through faith in Christ, fuels missions by giving the church a message, motivation, and method. Text: 1 Corinthians 9:19-27

God has made a way for us to move forward with him in this life, and meet him in the next one, without fear. This way is by grace, through faith, in Christ, alone. Text: Romans 3:21-28

The truth of the gospel that we cling to and carry forward is summarized as, Scripture alone, Faith alone, Grace alone, Christ alone, and to God alone be glory. Text: Jude 3-4

The promise of Jesus is that he is coming soon. The prayer of the church is for him to return. The provision of God while we wait is grace for patience, purity, and perseverance in faith. Text: Revelation 22:7-21

In the beginning, God made all things good. In Christ, he is making all things new. Text: Revelation 21:1-22:6

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