
This past Sunday at Grace, we talked about the windows through which the light of Christ shines out of our lives to others (see Matthew 5:14-16). These windows include being, doing, and speaking. Being is the window of our character being transformed by the power...

In yesterday's sermon we saw that the fear of the Lord is that good, grace-produced, awe-filled, respectful, deferential, and delightful attitude toward God that produces worship, obedience, love and loyalty to him. You can hear that message here. So, how do we come to fear the...

"Come to me, all who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you, and learn from me, for I am gentle and lowly in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is...

A man told me that the worst part of his day was the morning. He had lived a long life and was alone. Each morning, he awoke to a sense of dread knowing that the day would hold the same struggles as the...

I told a friend, who is also a minister, that I was going to preach from Ecclesiastes for several weeks at Grace. I expected to get a bit of sympathy because of the nature of Ecclesiastes or maybe a bit of respect for tackling the...

At some point in life, everyone asks these questions: How do I relate to God? Who am I, and where do I belong? How am I supposed to live? For six months, we have listened to the message of Galatians in each Sunday's sermon. What have...

Grace Community Church will soon bring our six-month sermon series from the book of Galatians to a close. Before we transition from Galatians to other portions of the Bible for our Sunday morning sermons, we want to pay close attention to the final words of...

J.I. Packer states: "Honest, faithful, honorable work of any sort, done as best one can and as helpfully to others as possible, glorifies God. So a believer may see his or her work as hallowed, whether that work involves handing fast food out of a window,...

J.I. Packer writes of the calling to faithfulness to Christ even as we live with weakness and the reward of glory that awaits those who are faithful to him: "Men and women of the world draw on their talents and ingenuity to map out for themselves...

J.I. Packer says: "Many view money as a kind of magic: the more they have of it, the more they want; the more doors they expect it to open for them; and, not surprisingly perhaps, the more reluctant they are to part with any of it....

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