
There are two ways we find ourselves far from what we know to be true and good. One way is by making a big, decisive move to another position and place. The other way is to drift there. Drifting can be the result of many mini-decisions...

In a few hours I will attend the grave-side service of Lee Anderton, the oldest member of Grace Community Church. Lee died this week at 101 years of age. When I met Lee and he joined our congregation, he was already in his mid-eighties. I quickly...

Brothers and Sisters in Christ, are you pressing on or have you grown weary in well doing? Are you still praying? We have further to go on this journey. We are not home, yet. There is much to do here for the glory of our King....

Dear Congregation, For twenty-seven years it has been my hope that Grace Community Church would be a praying congregation.  I believe prayer is at the heart of what it means for us to be Christians and a local church.  Prayer is only possible because Jesus made the way...

“… that we may be encouraged by each other’s faith, both yours and mine.” Romans 1:12 This morning’s phone call was supposed to be a pastoral care situation. That’s where someone asks me a question and then I give an answer. This is the way the world...

I have set the LORD always before me; because he is at my right hand, I shall not be shaken.” Psalm 16:8 We are always moving forward. There is always something before us. I live by my calendar. I get a sense of security from knowing what’s next....

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