“If you love me, you will keep my commandments." -John 14:15
With these words, Jesus tells us something about himself, and about our relationship with him.
The setting is the night before Jesus’ crucifixion, with the disciples gathered around him, as he speaks these final words about following...
Jesus speaks a message of hope and peace to the person who is troubled about the future.
The disciples are sharing the last supper and Jesus tells them that he is going away. He says that where he is going, they cannot come (John 13-16). Immediately...
“The glory of the Son of Man arose from a death which was reckoned ignominious among men, and was even accursed before God… by it he glorifies God the Father; for in the cross of Christ, as in a magnificent theatre, the estimable goodness of...
At the darkest hour of Jesus’ life, he said, “Now is the Son of Man glorified.”
The scene is John 13. Jesus took up the servant’s towel and basin and washed the disciples’ feet. When he resumed his place at the supper table he gave them the...
This Sunday at Grace Community Church I plan to preach from John 13 and the account of Jesus washing his disciples’ feet. Two messages will emerge.
One is that Jesus’ ultimate act of service was on the cross where he secured the forgiveness of our sins...
An arresting phrase at the beginning of John 13 communicates a wealth of truth and encouragement about the love of Christ.
We are told that Jesus, “… having loved his own who are in the world, he loved them to the end.”
The setting of these words is the...
“Therefore be imitators of God, as beloved children. And walk in love, as Christ loved us and gave himself up for us, a fragrant offering and sacrifice to God.” Ephesians 5:1
In these simple words, the Apostle Paul gives us a command to obey and a pattern...
When my daughters were in high school, they played on the soccer team. Game after game we parents would sit in the stands and shout out encouragement. Our team needed a lot of encouragement.
When the game wasn’t going our way, one sweet, upbeat, optimistic parent...
I hope you will not be confused Sunday when we consider the Triumphal Entry a week after we celebrated Easter.
If you are not familiar with the Gospels and the way the church marks the high points of Jesus’ ministry, here is a quick overview. At...
This Good Friday and Easter weekend, let’s gather around Jesus and hear what he is saying to his church.
Have you ever noticed how many times Jesus is at a table or a feast in the Gospels? One of his great signs in the Gospel of...