
I wonder if Jesus’ teaching on the good shepherd in John 10 seems relevant to today’s church. With all the challenges we are facing culturally, politically, and theologically, the image of a shepherd holding a furry little lamb doesn’t appear to hold much by way of instruction...

Don’t let the title throw you. I don’t mean “leaving church” as in finding another one. Or leaving church to never attend again. By “leaving church,” I mean being sent out after the weekly gathering of the congregation to live for God’s glory in the...

Last week, I wrote about preparing for church. This week, let’s think about attending church. There was a day when I didn’t give much attention to why and how I went to church. Looking back, I would say the reason I attended church was because that...

“I have so much to do today, I will spend the first three hours in prayer.” That quote is attributed to Martin Luther, the man who worked tirelessly as a pastor, teacher, theologian, and champion of the Protestant Reformation. I must admit that often Luther’s approach...

At all times and in all seasons, our greatest need is to behold our God. And maybe like no other time in my lifetime the sense of this need is strong. Beholding the grace, greatness, glory of God has a profound impact on our lives. This...

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