Words of Grace Podcast

Scott and Jeff talk about the way that spiritual gifts are to be used in the church and answer questions like, "What hinders people from serving in the church?" https://s3.amazonaws.com/grace-audio/20150728WoGP.mp3https://s3.amazonaws.com/grace-audio/20150728WoGP.mp3...

Aaron Mitchell, an elder at Grace Community Church, shares with us about his story and his heart for our congregation. https://s3.amazonaws.com/grace-audio/20150721WoGA.mp3...

Scott and Jeff discuss this question: "What message does our participation as a church in the Lord's Supper send to the world around us about how to deal with social issues?" https://grace-audio.s3.amazonaws.com/Sermons/20150714WoGA.mp3  ...

Justin Tucker and Scott Patty are joined by Elaine Atchison, our new Director of Congregational Care, to discuss a very difficult passage in Scripture from 1 Corinthians. https://grace-audio.s3.amazonaws.com/Sermons/20150707WoGA.mp3  ...

Scott and Jeff are joined by Dr. Bill Maynard to discuss his sermon from Psalm 103 this past Sunday. They talk through questions like, "What about our thoughts or behavior clues us in to the fact that we are living as if God is too...

Josh Hussung joins Jeff for a discussion from the third section of Psalm 103, the passage that Josh preached from on Sunday. They tackle questions like, "We're probably going to be fearful and obsessive about temporal things like money, legacy and security, so how do...

Jeff welcomes Jason Miller and Josh Hussung to the podcast. After discussing Jason's sermon from Psalm 103 on the character of God, they share their experiences from CentriKid and MFuge camps last week. https://grace-audio.s3.amazonaws.com/Sermons/20150616WoGA.mp3...

Justin Tucker's sermon on Psalm 103:1-5 helped us see how important it is for us to remember the goodness of God. Scott and Jeff get very practical about how to remember what God has done for us on a personal level and what he has...

Join Scott and Jeff as they discuss what kind of mindset lies behind giving in to temptation. Also, hear from Scott about how to stay connected during the summer months. https://grace-audio.s3.amazonaws.com/Sermons/20150602WoGA.mp3...

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