Words of Grace Podcast – Being Self-Aware
This week Justin sits down with Josh Hussung to discuss the sermon on Sunday about working through conflict in the church with humility. https://s3.amazonaws.com/grace-audio/WoGP/2019/2019WoGP0408.mp3...
This week Justin sits down with Josh Hussung to discuss the sermon on Sunday about working through conflict in the church with humility. https://s3.amazonaws.com/grace-audio/WoGP/2019/2019WoGP0408.mp3...
This week Justin and Scott discuss James 4:1-10, and how we are to live as Christians as we battle selfish ambition and the temptation to drift from God as the Prodigal Son did in Luke 15. https://s3.amazonaws.com/grace-audio/WoGP/2019/2019WoGP0401.mp3...
This week Justin and Scott discuss the danger of self-hyphenated sins, and how they can cause destruction all around us. They also talk about the crisis in Mozambique. To learn more and give aid, visit www.gobgr.org. https://s3.amazonaws.com/grace-audio/WoGP/2019/2019WoGP0325.mp3...
This week Justin and Scott discuss ways we can better rely on the Holy Spirit to control our tongues. https://s3.amazonaws.com/grace-audio/WoGP/2019/2019WoGP0318.mp3...
This week Justin and Scott talk about practical ways we can be a caring and supportive congregation that brings glory to God. https://s3.amazonaws.com/grace-audio/WoGP/2019/2019WoGP0311.mp3...
On this week's podcast, Justin and Scott talk about how our faith works itself out in love toward others. Authentic faith will be seen in our love for others. https://s3.amazonaws.com/grace-audio/WoGP/2019/2019WoGP0303.mp3...
Scott and Justin tackle several issues related to Sunday's sermon, in relation to genuine faith from James 1:26-2:1. 148265 https://s3.amazonaws.com/grace-audio/WoGP/2019/2019WoGP0218.mp3...
Justin and Scott explain how James uses proverbs in the context of James 1:18-21, and how we should apply them to our lives. https://s3.amazonaws.com/grace-audio/WoGP/2019/2019WoGP0211.mp3...
Justin and Scott take time this week to discuss the Words of Grace that was written this past week, and the Sunday sermon about temptation. https://s3.amazonaws.com/grace-audio/WoGP/2019/2019WoGP0206.mp3...
On this week's podcast, Scott and Justin discuss several questions related to suffering in trials, in light of Sunday's sermon from the book of James. https://s3.amazonaws.com/grace-audio/WoGP/2019/2019WoGP0128.mp3...