
Through God’s discipline of Israel we see his holiness. In his judgment of Assyria we see his sovereignty. As he calls a remnant to himself we see that the mighty God is gracious. The holiness, sovereignty, and grace of God come together in Jesus Christ...

Isaiah 6 records the vision that Isaiah saw of the Lord sitting on a throne high and lifted up. The Lord is revealed as King. But the chapter opens with news of the death of another king, Uzziah. The contrast between these two kings makes...

The message of these chapters in Isaiah is that after judgment comes glory. Judgment, with its purifying effect on God’s people through repentance and faith, leads to glory. As our sins are exposed by the Lord, we are called back to him and into the...

The opening words of the Lord in Isaiah are to his children. The Lord exposes their sin and displays his grace. His children have turned from him, he calls them back. If they return, he promises cleansing, restoration, and renewal. The book of Isaiah is...

Speaker: Michael Kelley As Peter closes his letter, he issues some final instructions and reminders for Christians as they wait for the coming of the Lord Jesus. He helps us see how we are to live in this day, in light of that day. Grace Community Church...

Speaker: Bill Maynard In today’s text, we are reminded to trust the sovereign goodness and justice of God as we await new heavens and a new earth to be revealed in God’s perfect timing. Grace Community Church exists to build spiritually healthy people for ministry in the...

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