
This section of Isaiah returns to the exposure of the sins of God’s people. Five “woes” reveal the grievance that the Lord has against them. But woven throughout are promises of his grace and the call to repent and to trust him. This is reality....

Those who experience the grace of God in Christ sing the song of salvation. It’s a song of thanksgiving, trust, and assurance. This song makes known God’s name and deeds in all the earth. The song of salvation is sung by all the redeemed of...

On earth kings and kingdoms fail, and people are unfaithful. Into this darkness comes the hopeful message of a Messiah who will someday rule in a new way and in a new world. See him in this chapter of Isaiah. Let your heart trust him...

Through God’s discipline of Israel we see his holiness. In his judgment of Assyria we see his sovereignty. As he calls a remnant to himself we see that the mighty God is gracious. The holiness, sovereignty, and grace of God come together in Jesus Christ...

Isaiah 6 records the vision that Isaiah saw of the Lord sitting on a throne high and lifted up. The Lord is revealed as King. But the chapter opens with news of the death of another king, Uzziah. The contrast between these two kings makes...

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