
This passage is another exposure of the foolishness and futility of idolatry, for idols become burdens to those who trust them. Again God is exalted as Sovereign, for he will accomplish all that he purposes. The people of God are repeatedly exhorted to trust him...

This passage contains the two-sided affirmation that the LORD only is God, and that idolatry is foolish and futile. The clear witness of Scripture is that God does not dwell in images of wood, stone, and metal, nor in the mental imaginations of man. As...

The word “grace” is not used in this passage, but it could be written over the whole of it. This passage communicates the uniqueness of God as the one living and true LORD, the Creator, the Redeemer, the Holy One of Israel. He alone can...

The Lord is communicating to his people that the captivity they are experiencing in no way threatens the reality of his sovereignty or their election. He will strengthen, help, and uphold them. For this reason, they are not to fear. This message for Judah in...

Josh Hussung speaks on 1 Corinthians 15:50-58. Grace Community Church exists to build spiritually healthy people for ministry in the world. One of the ways that we pursue this mission is by gathering each Sunday for corporate worship, prayer, and biblical teaching. The corporate nature of...

The glory, greatness, and grace of God revealed in Isaiah 40 gives us confidence that he takes notice of us and will act on our behalf. The Lord promised that he would come to us, and he did in Christ. He promises to renew our...

The renewing vision for the downcast and disheartened, for doubters and those in despair, for all who are in some kind of darkness, is God in his greatness and grace. Isaiah’s prophecy to the exiles points to Jesus Christ who came as the triumphant king...

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