Feb 02, 2020 The Message of Romans- Romans 3:21-26- February 2, 2020
Why read and preach through the book of Romans? Because this New Testament letter to the church in Rome contains the central message of the Christian faith. The good news is that God makes sinners right with himself by grace though faith on the basis of Christ’s work on the cross and his resurrection from the dead. This message has implications for our standing before God, our understanding of ourselves, and our relationship with everyone we encounter in this world. The message of Romans has been used by the Holy Spirit to awaken millions of people to faith in Christ. Throughout history this message has revived and renewed the church and local congregations. When the gospel revealed in Romans is received by faith, it lifts us to the highest and most delighted place of giving all praise and glory to God, before whom we simply say, “Amen.”
Grace Community church exists to build spiritually healthy people for ministry in the world. One of the ways that we pursue this mission is by gathering each Sunday for corporate worship, prayer, and biblical teaching. The corporate nature of this gathering is both edifying to the believer and a witness of God’s grace to the world. Sermon speaker is Scott Patty unless otherwise noted.