
When we set aside Bible words because they seem complicated or uninteresting to people, the result is that the truth of those words gets neglected and lost. A better way to handle Bible words is to use them, understand them, and explain them. Doing so will...

How can it be that Jesus Christ is glorified in ordinary, flawed, and failing human beings? Reading along in the High Priestly prayer (John 17:10), we come to an astonishing statement. Jesus said to God the Father, “I am glorified in them.” “They” are not angels,...

Praying with each other is one of the cherished activities of congregational life. But here’s a situation that we can’t seem to correct. We spend more time talking to each other about our “prayer requests” than we do praying. Don’t get me wrong. There is great...

How wise and kind of Jesus to give advance notice of what is to come for his disciples in the world. We love advance notice. We want to know the dress code for the party, what the subject matter will be for the meeting, and if...

When your prayers are tired and flat, or non-existent, pick up your Bible and read. The average Christian “prayer request” is about a situation of need or concern. That means when we don’t feel a need or have a big concern, we don’t often pray. But when...

I grew up with siblings, and we fought with each other. I don’t mean that we said things that hurt each other’s feelings. I mean we fought the old-school way. I had years of experience in hand-to-hand combat before my first day on the school...

“If you love me, you will keep my commandments." -John 14:15 With these words, Jesus tells us something about himself, and about our relationship with him. The setting is the night before Jesus’ crucifixion, with the disciples gathered around him, as he speaks these final words about following...

Jesus speaks a message of hope and peace to the person who is troubled about the future. The disciples are sharing the last supper and Jesus tells them that he is going away. He says that where he is going, they cannot come (John 13-16). Immediately...

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