
Three names are associated with the history of the translation and publication of the Bible into the language of the people; John Wycliffe (died 1384), John Hus (died 1415), and William Tyndale (died 1536). Others championed this cause and helped in the effort. You can...

In this week's Words of Grace, let me ask you to pray. You may have some time for an extended prayer time, or you may be busy with work or other events and need to tuck these requests in your mind and pray as you...

We have always heard that, at the end of the book of Revelation, we find the end of the world. Actually, we hear a prayer. Revelation 21 shows us the final state, which will be all things made new in a new heaven and new earth....

Newness is the theme of the gospel. The direction in which the plan of God is moving is toward newness. The final state, after this world passes away, is one of newness. This is why the one who is seated on the throne of heaven...

"The kingdom of the world has become the kingdom of our Lord and of his Christ, and he shall reign forever and ever." Revelation 11:15 "They came to life and reigned with Christ for a thousand years." Revelation 20:4 "...

The proverbial pendulum swings. It can be difficult to live in the balances (maybe we should call them tensions) of life. When we attempt to avoid one mistake we tend to overcompensate and make a different mistake. Christians have struggled with this tension in each generation...

"Here is the call for the endurance of the saints." Revelation 13:10 For years, I assumed that Revelation contained a hidden message, one too difficult for me to understand, and so I stayed away from this book. Though the book of Revelation is written in a...

Why do we recoil at predictions of judgement? Why do we resist warnings? Do we not think that warnings of judgement to come can be words of grace as well? Just last night, as the storm from Hurricane Harvey blew across our city, I was irritated...

I've had some crazy dreams in my lifetime. The strangest ones are when things or people morph into others. In some dreams, I'm carrying on a conversation with one person in a certain location only to be transposed to another location where I am speaking...

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