Dear Congregation,
It’s been a while since I used this Words of Grace space to call us to a weekend of prayer. Today is a great day to return to this theme.
This weekend, let’s pray for Grace Community Church.
Let’s pray for the word of Christ to...
Sometimes we use the account of Jesus cleansing the temple as cover for our anger and justification for doing destructive things. The problem is, we don’t keep reading the record to see behind his actions the unique, redeeming love of Jesus that led to his...
Sometimes when we are trying to make a point, we end up undoing another point that needs to remain. I really don’t want to do that. So, let me say up front that the point I want to make about ongoing, growing, deepening faith is...
In one chapter of the Gospel of John we take a journey from the eternal Word who is God to Jesus Christ talking to one man who sat under a fig tree. Jesus gets personal.
The Gospel of John opens with lofty words about the Word...
Last Sunday we began the Gospel of John as the next sermon series at Grace Community Church.
In John 1 we were introduced to the Word who is God from all eternity, and who became flesh and lived in time. The Word was identified as Jesus...
Psalm 1 gave us a picture of a healthy Christian in the image of a fruit-bearing tree planted by streams of water. Psalm 78 tells us that these Christians grow in healthy congregations.
Our mission at Grace Community Church is to bring glory to God by being a healthy...
God has graciously given us his thoughts in language that we can understand. He has created us with the amazing and helpful ability to read, reason, and make comparison. In literature we use simile to stir the mind’s imagination to get at the nature of...
It’s graduation season. Young people around the world are wide-eyed and ready to go do something with their education.
When I was in school, I spent as much time thinking about getting out and what I would leave behind as about entering into the future. The closer...
In his meditation on Psalm 81, Charles Spurgeon says the divine voice speaks warnings, promises, and precepts. All three are necessary and good aspects of the word of God.
Sometimes we emphasize only one aspect of God’s word. We can hear only the warnings and become fearful...
This Sunday at Grace Community Church we will continue with the theme of congregational ministry, from Romans 15. This week, the focus will be on our ministry beyond ourselves.
I sense that this focus on our ministry beyond ourselves is especially important in these days. So...