Get Connected

We encourage every member to be involved in the ministry of the church, and to take initiative in the following ways:

1. Presence. Attending worship, Bible studies and small groups, and church fellowships is encouraging to the believer and to those who attend with them. Seeing and interacting with other Christians on a regular basis is helpful in living out our faith in the world.

2. Prayer. Prayer is one of the greatest contributions a believer can make to the local church. Praying regularly for the church helps a believer feel more connected to the church and more concerned for the other members and the ministries of the church. Prayer is involvement in church life at a spiritual level.

3. Relationships. Church life is primarily about people. Building relationships within the church is important. Church ministries are designed to help believers build relationships, but initiative should be taken by members to get to know one another outside these ministries. Involvement in the lives of people helps us grow in our faith and helps others to grow as well.

4. Service. Every member of the church can give time, energy, and financial resources as forms of service to the church. Every member can use his or her particular giftedness to serve in the church. There are many opportunities for service that call for all members to respond even when a particular spiritual gift is not needed. Living together in covenant calls for all members to put action behind a heart of servanthood.

When church members are having difficulty getting involved in the life of the church, they are encouraged to call upon the church leadership to discover ways to do so. Often, a lack of involvement in church life is merely a matter of finding the right opportunities.

Go to the Adult Discipleship Study

Our Adult Discipleship Studies are offered on Sunday mornings at 8:45am. These interactive classes are a great place to get to know people at Grace while digging into the truths of God’s word together. You can find out more about our current studies here.

Join a Community Group

Community Groups are weekly small group meetings for fellowship, prayer, Bible study, and care for one another. They are held September-May on various nights of the week in church members’ homes throughout Nashville.

Participate in a Men’s or Women’s Small Group

Small groups at Grace are one of the best ways to deepen relationships around the gospel. Contact the church office to learn more.