Words of Grace Podcast

Building on our sermon series in Acts, Scott and Justin discuss the perspective Christians should have while living in our current point of history. https://s3.amazonaws.com/grace-audio/WoGP/2016WoGP1011.mp3...

Justin and Scott discuss the vital reasons why Christians should be praying for the filling of the Holy Spirit. https://s3.amazonaws.com/grace-audio/WoGP/2016/2016WoGP1005.mp3...

This week, Justin and Scott discuss the kingdom of God and its impact on the life of believers. https://s3.amazonaws.com/grace-audio/WoGP/2016/2016WoGP0913.mp3...

This Sunday we began a new series in the book of Acts. Scott and Justin discuss the importance and encouragement the book of Acts is for our lives. https://s3.amazonaws.com/grace-audio/WoGP/2016/2016WoGP0907.mp3...

As a church, we have been walking through the book of Judges. Scott and Justin pull out key themes as we come to the end of this series. https://s3.amazonaws.com/grace-audio/WoGP/2016/2016WoGP0824.mp3...

What is the nature of repentance? Scott and Justin look back at Judges 10 to define true and false repentance. https://s3.amazonaws.com/grace-audio/WoGP/2016/2016WoGP0817.mp3...

What kind of worship honors God? Justin and Scott talk about true worship and the role it plays in the life of the believer. https://s3.amazonaws.com/grace-audio/WoGP/2016/2016WoG0810.mp3...

Scott and Justin reflect on how the book of Judges is a mirror to our own hearts, and how that reality can be helpful. https://s3.amazonaws.com/grace-audio/WoGP/2016/2017WoGP0719.mp3...

Are we worshiping and serving the one true God? Justin and Scott define idolatry and the danger of it. https://s3.amazonaws.com/grace-audio/WoGP/2016/2016WoGP0712.mp3...

Justin and Scott talk about the book of Judges, and the importance of focusing on our own hearts. https://s3.amazonaws.com/grace-audio/WoGP/2016/2016WoGP0705.mp3...

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