Words of Grace Podcast

This season in our church is full of transitions. On Sunday, we kicked off a new year of children and youth Sunday school classes, began new adult discipleship studies, and our church is excitedly preparing for a building campaign. On this week's podcast episode, Scott...

Job's friends failed to help him in his suffering. How can we speak encouragement to our friends in their suffering? How can we speak into their lives, and when should we seek to correct wrong theology? This week on the podcast, Justin and Scott look...

In Job 3 we see Job wishing he wasn't born. This week on the podcast, Justin and Scott help us understand ways we can be helpful to people who are thinking similar thoughts. https://s3.amazonaws.com/grace-audio/WoGP/2018/2018WoGP0723.mp3...

This week, we explore how we can see God's goodness during suffering, especially when our trials bring so much pain and grief. Can God still be good when everything hurts? https://s3.amazonaws.com/grace-audio/WoGP/2018/2018WoGP0716.mp3...

Sunday's sermon was about the sovereignty of God in the Book of Job. On this week's podcast, Scott and Justin talk about the ways that we can think truthfully about God in suffering, and how we can be helpful to those who are going through...

This past Sunday, we began a new series in the book of Job. On this week's podcast, Scott and Justin discuss ways this book can and should impact us as a congregation. https://s3.amazonaws.com/grace-audio/WoGP/2018/2018WoGP0702.mp3...

[This week's podcast episode was originally posted on March 14, 2017.] What is work? How should Christians approach their everyday endeavors? Scott, Elaine, and Justin recap the "Everyday Matters" Discipleship Gathering on March 12, 2017. https://s3.amazonaws.com/grace-audio/WoGP/2017/2017WoGP0314.mp3...

[This week's podcast episode was originally posted on February 1, 2017.] What is the heart of the mission of the church? Justin and Scott discuss Acts 13 &14, and the importance of bringing the message of the gospel into our world. https://s3.amazonaws.com/grace-audio/WoGP/2017/2017WoGP0201.mp3...

[This week's podcast episode was originally posted on January 6, 2016.] Scott, Justin, and Jamie Mosley talk about how we can maximize our circumstances to advance the gospel, and offer a practical tool to engage others in the gospel and Bible reading. No matter what shape...

[This week's podcast episode was originally posted on August 24, 2016.] Scott and Justin reflect on Scott's sermon from the book of Ruth. At the time, Grace had been walking through the book of Judges, which shows the depths of sin and paints a bleak picture...

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