Words of Grace Podcast

In Psalm 119, we see that God continuously gives us life through his Word. Justin and Scott discuss the concept of ongoing renewal and what it looks like in our lives. https://grace-audio.s3.amazonaws.com/WoGP/2020/2020WoGP0113.mp3...

On Sunday, Scott began a new sermon series on Psalm 119. In this episode, Scott and Just look at our responsibility as we ask the Lord to open our hearts. https://grace-audio.s3.amazonaws.com/WoGP/2020/2020WoGP0106.mp3...

In this podcast Justin and Elaine talk about memorizing the book of Ephesians as a church. They reference a workshop that you can listen to here. https://grace-audio.s3.amazonaws.com/WoGP/2019/2019WoGP1217.mp3...

What is polluted worship and how does it affect us today? How does spiritual renewal lead to renewal in our relationships? Justin and Scott dive into these questions in this week's podcast. https://grace-audio.s3.amazonaws.com/WoGP/2019/2019WoGP1209.mp3...

This week, Scott and Justin discuss our time so far in the book of Malachi. They look at the way God uses rebuke in our lives and how this leads to spiritual renewal. https://grace-audio.s3.amazonaws.com/WoGP/2019/2019WoGP1202.mp3...

This week, Justin and Jason discuss who the vulnerable are in our communities, and how we can practically serve them. https://grace-audio.s3.amazonaws.com/WoGP/2019/2019WoGP1104.mp3...

How can the church confuse service and the gospel? What can we do to make sure we are not distracted in our serving? This week, Justin Tucker and Jason Miller sit down to discuss these question from Luke 10:38-42. https://grace-audio.s3.amazonaws.com/WoGP/2019/2019WoGP1028.mp3...

At Grace, we talk a lot about church membership. What does this mean, and how should we think about membership? Justin and Scott sit down to talk about this issue in light of the last two sermons. https://grace-audio.s3.amazonaws.com/WoGP/2019/2019WoGP1022.mp3...

This week, Justin and Scott talk about the importance of our mission described in Matthew 28. How can we lose our mission as a church? What are other ways the church engages a community and how does that fit into our mission to make disciples? https://grace-audio.s3.amazonaws.com/WoGP/2019/2019WoGP1007.mp3...

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