Words of Grace Podcast- Lessons in Ministry- April 14, 2020
Justin and Scott discuss 5 lessons they are learning about ministry during this season, and how that encourages them. https://grace-audio.s3.amazonaws.com/WoGP/2020/2020WoGP0414.mp3...
Justin and Scott discuss 5 lessons they are learning about ministry during this season, and how that encourages them. https://grace-audio.s3.amazonaws.com/WoGP/2020/2020WoGP0414.mp3...
How do we make sense of Israel’s deliverance in Exodus 14, as we compare it to our struggle with a pandemic? Are we trying to equate this passage to our current situation in the world? Scott and Justin answer these questions based on Sundays message...
This week, Justin and Scott discuss why Isaiah 40 is helpful for God’s people during uncertain times. How can passages like these help us, and what should we do moving forward? https://grace-audio.s3.amazonaws.com/WoGP/2020/2020WoGP0330.mp3...
In times like these, we can often feel disrupted, disoriented, and even depressed. Justin and Scott talk about how we should approach these issues in light of being children of God. https://grace-audio.s3.amazonaws.com/WoGP/2020/2020WoGP0325.mp3...
Scott, Justin, & Elaine offer up ways we can be encouraged during this time in our country. How can we pray for others, and how can we be reaching out to others? https://grace-audio.s3.amazonaws.com/WoGP/2020/2020WoGP0316.mp3...
This week Justin & Scott talk about the importance of God’s wrath in our discipleship and explaining the gospel to others. https://grace-audio.s3.amazonaws.com/WoGP/2020/2020WoGP0224.mp3...
How do we go to the nations with this gospel that we are unashamed of? What is the churches role? This week, Justin and Scott discuss the role of the local church in global missions. https://grace-audio.s3.amazonaws.com/WoGP/2020/2020WoGP0218.mp3...
This week, Justin and Scott unpack what our primary and secondary callings are, and how the impacts our daily living. https://grace-audio.s3.amazonaws.com/WoGP/2020/2020WoGP0210.mp3...
As we begin our sermon series through the book of Romans, Scott and Justin talk about their hopes for Grace as we read and hear from Paul’s letter. https://grace-audio.s3.amazonaws.com/WoGP/2020/2020WoGP0204.mp3...
This week, Justin and Scott discuss at the ways in which God teaches us through afflictions, and how we should view suffering in our grief and pain. https://grace-audio.s3.amazonaws.com/WoGP/2020/2020WoGP0127.mp3...