Aug 10, 2016 Missions at Grace – August Opportunities
Grace Opportunities
– God’s Global Heart is a new adult discipleship study at Grace. It will be held every Sunday, August 7-October 23, at 9:30am in the Conference Room. You are welcome to attend and learn more about God’s heart for the nations though biblical, historical, cultural, and strategic lenses from Perspectives resources.
– Next Sunday, August 14, at 6:30pm, David & Jenna Ray will host a Missions Prayer Gathering in their home to pray for our global missions partners. Grace members will also share about their recent trips to the Middle East and Belarus. Contact: Jenna Ray
Local Partner Opportunities
– The school year has begun, which means there are many opportunities to serve our local partner, Tusculum Elementary School. Reading clinic and classroom volunteers are the greatest needs now. Whether you are available in the day time, after school hours, or to help with periodic events, please fill out the volunteer interest form. We will contact you with details soon.
Other Opportunities
– Restoration Corner, a campus ministry supporting TSU and Fisk University, is looking for friendly faces to help welcome students and families at the TSU campus move-in day on Wednesday, August 17. Hospitality volunteers will serve in shifts between 8:00am-1:00pm. Contact: Faye Maynard
– Nearly 1,000 international students will come to Nashville this fall. You can sign up for First Friends, an outreach of befriending these college students and introducing them to our community. The deadline to apply is August 24. You can also host 2-4 international college students for an EAT (Experience American Tastes) monthly dinner during the academic year. Contact: Kay Eaves
– A Reaching the Nations missions event will be held August 26-27 at Brentwood Baptist Church. Attendees will be equipped with practical tools for engaging immigrants, refugees, and international students with the gospel for disciple making. Tickets are $35 and scholarships are available. Contact: Justin Tucker
– You or a small group can share American culture and help a refugee family work towards self-sufficiency in Nashville. To learn more and apply online, visit World Relief’s website.
– There is an opportunity to travel to Ethiopia with Children’s HopeChest from November 6-14 to work with underprivileged kids and to hold a VBS. Contact: Daniel & Sarah Dubois