Jul 22, 2015 Missions at Grace
Listen to the Missions at Grace Podcast to learn more about these opportunities.
Hope Clinic for Women Bottle Drive & Open House
Hope Clinic for Women is collecting baby bottles filled with loose change to raise funds for their ministry. Empty bottles will be available in the Gathering Hall this Sunday that can be filled and returned by August 9. They will also host an open house at the clinic (1810 Hayes Street, Nashville TN 37203) on August 16 at 2:00pm to share about their ministry. Contact Alyssa Hasty for details about these opportunities.
Tusculum School Reading Clinic
Our local partner, Tusculum Elementary School, will begin their fall semester soon. This means we need new volunteers for the reading clinic. Volunteers will serve one hour per week to help Tusculum students learn how to read. Training will be provided. To learn more, contact Justin Tucker.
First Friends for International Students
Every year international students from all over the world come to study at Vanderbilt University. We partner with a program called First Friends, which connects Americans with these students. This is a simple way to build friendships with people who may not have met any Christians. The application deadline is August 24 and participants will meet their students on September 13. Contact Kay Eaves for an application or more information.
“Christians Engaging” Summer Study
On Wednesday, July 29, from 6:30-8:00pm, Scott will conclude our summer study by facilitating a panel discussion on how we can engage with our international neighbors. Plan now to attend this event as we discuss how to take the gospel to the nations in Nashville.