Feb 21, 2025 So, You Want To Be Wise? – Words of Grace Blog – February 21, 2025
No one has ever asked me how to be a fool. Never has someone come to me seeking foolish counsel. Everyone I have ever spoken with about the issues of their lives wants to be wise and to act wisely.
Yet, few people know how to begin the acquisition of wisdom. Fewer still understand the real goal of wisdom.
If you want to be wise, the beginning and the end of wisdom must be grasped.
Let’s start with the end of wisdom. This is the aim for acquiring wisdom and the reason to pursue it. The end of wisdom is Christlikeness. Our goal in life is to glorify God by becoming mature in Christ. When we gain spiritual wisdom and knowledge, we can walk in a manner worthy of Christ, fully pleasing to him (Colossians 1:9-10).
We often think the purpose of wisdom is to secure a life without trouble and with a lot of success. Or maybe we think being considered wise by others will add to our sense of self, self-esteem we call it.
Wisdom has many practical benefits in life and in relationships. But these are by-products of the main prize of knowing and becoming like Christ who is the Wise One.
If you want to be wise, let it be because wisdom leads you to Christ.
Then there is the beginning of wisdom. Where do we start in acquiring wisdom? Again, we miss the mark when we begin the pursuit of wisdom without Christ.
Wisdom begins when we come to Christ. Jesus said the wise person is the one who hears and obeys his words, and the foolish person is the one who hears but does not obey his words (Matthew 7:24-27). And the words of Jesus call us to believe in him and to follow him. Wisdom begins when we come to Christ who is calling us to himself.
If you want to be wise, start by trusting and following Christ who is the wisdom of God for salvation (1 Corinthians 1).
Proverbs, the book of wisdom in the Bible, says the fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom (Proverbs 1:7, 9:10). The fear of the Lord is a posture of mind and heart that recognizes the greatness of God and responds to him in worship, love, and submission. True wisdom comes from God to the people who listen to him.
If you want to be wise, develop a healthy fear of the Lord.
Proverbs also tells us that wisdom is granted to those who seek and search for it (Proverbs 2). The wisdom of God is revealed in the Bible and the wise person reads with a searching mind and a submissive heart. God gives wisdom to all who ask in faith (James 1:5).
If you want to be wise, be diligent in the pursuit of wisdom in the word of God and prayer.
You have probably figured out that a sermon series from the book of Proverbs is next for Grace Community Church. As we begin this series, let’s keep the end in mind and seek wisdom for the purpose of becoming like Christ. And let’s begin with faith in Christ, the fear of the Lord, and a commitment to search the Proverbs and all the Bible for the wisdom of God.
Let’s pray for each other this weekend. I look forward to seeing you Sunday.