Grow in the Church in 2025 – Words of Grace – December 27, 2025

Grow in the Church in 2025 – Words of Grace – December 27, 2025

The three means of grace the Holy Spirit has used to keep me in faith, and the three practices that I have employed to keep myself in the way of the Spirit’s work are prayer, reading the Word, and participating in the church. You can read the previous posts on Growing in Grace in 2025 here (prayerBible reading).

From the time of my conversion to Christ, the congregation has been my spiritual home. I became a Christian through a local church. As a new Christian facing the joys and trials of following Christ while in high school, it was hearing the Bible preached each week, sharing and praying with a small group, and doing ministry with others that kept me grounded and growing in grace.

Throughout the years my brothers and sisters in Christ’s church have been helpful to me in more ways than I can count. I can’t imagine where I would be spiritually without weekly connection with fellow believers who are walking the way with me. I am grateful.

There are many reasons why people don’t grow with the church. Without naming them, we can say that none of them are the way it is to be. The Bible is clear that we are not to forsake meeting together in the church. The “why” behind attending church is to hold to our confession of hope and to consider how to help each other make progress in faith that is expressed in love and good deeds (Hebrews 10:23-25). I hope that this year any reason for not growing with the church will be resolved by God’s grace in your life so you can return to full participation in the joy of congregational life.

Here are some thoughts on how you can grow with the church in 2025.

Attend church. If you are physically able to attend church, do so. Don’t let watching worship services online substitute for being at church. We are humans who need to see, hear, smell, touch, and speak to people. We are Christians who need this to grow into Christ’s likeness.

Join a church. Make a commitment to connect with and contribute to a congregation. At Grace Community Church, we encourage people who attend regularly to become members, and we call on our members to carry out the commitments of our covenant. If Grace is not the place for you, we can help you find a church that you can join and serve.

Pray for, serve, and support the church. Once we understand that local congregations are the primary places that practice corporate worship, steward the gospel of Christ, and make disciples, we want to be good stewards to protect and promote its ministry and mission.

Be gracious to others in the church. You will likely be disappointed in the church. You may even disappoint someone. With disappointment comes the opportunity to love. Above all, put on love.

Be patient in church. Growth in Christ is a lifelong journey. Plan for the long haul and you won’t be disappointed by the slow pace you and others keep. Spend the rest of your life growing with people in a local church until we all meet the Lord face to face.

I hope this series on Growing in Grace in 2025 is helpful to you. Take some time this weekend to make some applications to your life. I look forward to growing with you.
