Nov 08, 2024 A New Pursuit and A Place for the Mind – Words of Grace – November 8, 2024
The gospel reality of union with Christ means newness characterizes our lives.
We have been learning about the reality of our union with Christ from Colossians 3. Now we see the results of that union in our on-the-ground, everyday life.
This chapter opens with the declaration that we have been raised with Christ. By faith we are new creatures, spiritually alive, able to pray and obey. With new life we can know God and reflect his glory. Now Christ lives in us. Christ in us is the hope of glory. In Christ, all things are new.
Because this is true, the “new thing” about us is our pursuit and the place we set our minds.
Raised with Christ, we now seek the things above where he is, and we set our minds there to stay.
To seek and to set are the first two exhortations for the new Christian. They remain the foundation for discipleship throughout our lives.
Seek the things above, where Christ is, seated at the right hand of God. Dead in our sins, we couldn’t comprehend that there are things above. We had no clue that a life of grace, truth, righteousness, and glory in Christ even existed. Then, by the power of God, we were raised from our spiritual death, given new eyes to see and a new heart to seek after the grand and glorious things that belong to our Savior and are freely given to us.
Don’t spend your days being led along by every desire you have. Go to the Bible, read about what matters to Christ, and then seek it until it becomes the desire of your heart and a greater part of your life.
Set your minds on the things above, not on the things on earth. We will have time on Sunday to talk about what the things above and on earth are. For now, hear the command to “set the mind.” Fix it, focus it, and use it to pursue Christ.
Don’t live in a perpetually wandering state of mind. “Free-range” minds will not be free long. Jesus said the truth will set you free. He also said he is the truth. Set your mind on him and his word.
The reality of being raised with Christ to new life means we seek the things of Christ and we set our new minds on him.
This weekend, read Colossians 3 and pray for our congregation as we gather on Sunday to worship Christ.