Jan 12, 2024 Words of Grace to Guide Our Prayers – Words of Grace Blog – January 14, 2024
It has been our practice at Grace Community Church to begin each year with a season of prayer we call, “Devoted to Prayer.”
The Bible tells us to be constant in prayer, to pray without ceasing (Romans 12:12, I Thessalonians 4:17). Our January prayer emphasis is not a box to tick so we can move on to other church matters. It is a reminder that life in Christ and the mission of the church require nothing less than the power of God which comes from him through prayer. The call to prayer early in the year is designed to keep us in prayer all year long.
This year we will base our prayers on the gracious words of God in the book of Isaiah. We are deep into the message of Isaiah as a congregation. Chapter by chapter we are hearing the call of God to return to him, trust completely in him, wait upon him to renew our strength, and look toward the future newness in hope. What words of grace these are to guide our prayers!
Here are three ways you can join us in prayer through the book of Isaiah.
Read Isaiah with the goal of formulating a prayer for the day. Let this prayer include thanksgiving to God, confession of sin, and a request of the Lord. Make this request for yourself, others, and our congregation.
Pray your way. Some of you will journal your prayers. Others will take a prayer walk. You may be one who carries the prayer with you throughout the busy day. The point is to pray.
When you are with others from Grace, pray together from Isaiah. You may have thirty seconds to make a request before a meal, or thirty minutes in a small group. Use whatever time and opportunity you have with others to pray.
Watch for the “Devoted to Prayer” guide in your inbox. From January 17 (the anniversary of our congregation) through January 31, you will receive an email with a passage and prayer from Isaiah. In one accord we will pray together. The Lord will hear our prayers.
I look forward to seeing you Sunday and praying with you in 2024.