A Church Like… Samaria? – Words of Grace Blog – October 15, 2021

A Church Like… Samaria? – Words of Grace Blog – October 15, 2021

For four weeks, we have been considering the mission of Jesus to Samaria recorded in John 4. This mission reveals much about the grace of God toward sinners, and how that grace shapes a church.

Go back and read the account (John 4:1-42). Notice the three main sections that show grace upon grace toward the woman and the people of Samaria. Jesus offers living water that will spring up to eternal life (vs. 14). Then, he says God is seeking true worshippers who will worship him in spirit and truth (vs. 23). Finally, Jesus called his disciples to join him in gathering a harvest of souls into the kingdom of God (vs. 38).

Three graces are revealed to the Samaritans: eternal life, relationship with God the Father as true worshippers, and the joy of joining in the harvest. These graces can be expressed in three words- regeneration, worship, and ministry. The called out are called together for the experience and extension of God’s grace.

We are called as a regenerate people. Let’s be clear about our identity. We are people who have been saved by grace through faith. We have been granted the gift of eternal life. We are born of God’s Spirit, not because of anything we are or have done, but by his gracious choice and calling.

Our identity as regenerate (born again) people means that for us all things are new. Pray with me that we will live from the newness of the Spirit; thinking, seeing, speaking, and acting in new ways as directed by the grace and truth of Jesus.

We are called to be a worshipping people. Let’s remember why God sought us and bought with the blood of his Son. We are worshippers of God in spirit and truth.

Our highest priority in life is to worship God from a whole-life orientation toward him expressed in the way we live and in the gathering of the congregation. There is no greater witness to the grace of God than a people once in rebellion now in love with Christ. Pray with me for true worship at Grace.

We are called to be a missionary people. Let’s enter the joy of laboring with Christ for his kingdom.

I have heard how people who have been helped by counseling often make great therapists. Recovering addicts become sponsors for other addicts. And, redeemed rebels from the harvest field of the world are sent by Jesus into that field to join him in redeeming more. Let us look and see that the field is ready for harvest, and then enter it with the gospel.

Jesus spent two days in Samaria. I believe he was teaching them these three graces of God and characteristics of the church. May these be ours at Grace Community Church.
