Dec 07, 2016 Missions at Grace – December Opportunities
Serve & Give
- Project Connect will host a “Lighting of the Green” at Lexington Garden in Madison this Saturday, December 10, from 1:30-6:00pm. Volunteers of all ages are needed to provide food and enjoy Christmas activities with local residents. Visit Project Connect’s event page to learn more and participate.
- World Relief is looking for volunteers to serve in their Journey after-school program. Tutors, mentors, and transportation help are needed. Go here for more information and to volunteer.
- Would you like to enable an international orphan care leader to attend a unique training opportunity next spring by hosting them in your home? Leaders need host homes from April 29-May 6 to participate in the Christian Alliance for Orphans summit at Brentwood Baptist Church. Please email Jason Miller by December 23 for details and to sign up.
- The TN Baptist Convention is providing disaster relief to individuals, churches, and businesses affected by the forest fires in the Gatlinburg area. You can give online toward their ongoing efforts in East TN.
- If you or your family would like to give a laundry basket full of household and personal supplies to students’ families in need at Tusculum Elementary School, please contact Stacy Cagle.
- The special giving season for our Grace Missions Offering continues through December 31. This year’s goal is $65,000 and 100% of the funds given will support local and global mission outreaches. Checks can be made out to Grace Community Church and designated to GMO.
Did you know?
According to the Nashville Baptist Association, there are 89 people groups in the
Nashville area. Let’s seek to engage them with the gospel!