Oct 05, 2016 Missions at Grace
Grace Opportunities
– Missions month is nearly here! In November we will focus on global and local missions opportunities, specifically in reaching the nations in Nashville. Please prepare by asking God how you can get involved.
– Have you ever wondered what it is like to move to America from another country? We have two opportunities to learn about this! Youth can attend Exile Night, an overnight event at Grace on Friday, October 14. Adults and children can experience a Refugee & Immigrant Simulation on Sunday, November 6, at 6:00pm. Both events will be highly interactive to help us better understand the lives of refugees, immigrants and persecuted Christians.
Local Partner Opportunities
– Tennessee Baptist Children’s Home is currently seeking a new set of house parents for their Brentwood campus as they say good-bye to a long-serving family who is moving to Belize as missionaries. Pray for everyone in this transition time, and that God will quickly provide house parents for this ministry. Contact: Jeff McGinnis
– Children and families at Tusculum Elementary School need donations of old smart phones for class projects, bus passes, raincoats, and Kleenex. World Relief is also looking for childcare help during the Tusculum mothers’ English language classes (Tuesdays & Thursdays from 12:30-2:30pm). Contact: Stacy Cagle
Prayer Opportunities
– Everyone is welcome to gather at Sondra Lantzer’s home this Sunday, October 9, at 6:30pm to lift up our global missions partners in prayer. Contact: Sondra Lantzer
– Five Grace members who will go to Ethiopia November 5-14 to join local believers in loving and serving children and families.
– Three Grace members who will travel to South Asia November 17-27 to support our missions partner in sharing the gospel with those who are unreached.
“Missions is not the ultimate goal of the church. Worship is. Missions exist because worship doesn’t.” John Piper